NRA endorses Trump

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falcon said:
i'm with Kentucky Colonel and RonC.   Unless a third party comes aboard i won't be casting a vote for president. 

i'm a Second Amendment voter.  Nothing else matters to me; not gays, not unions, not abortions and especially not religion.
How can you be a Second Amendment voter and not vote for Trump?

I have to say I dislike Trump as much as you guys. I feel like not voting too, but when I think of Hillary as president I have to start considering Trump. I'm hoping he picks a good VP that can guide him, but i'm not sure his ego will take any help. The situation really sucks!

We can always vote for the Libertarian Party just to say we voted. :D
Both are shitty but at least one has the guts to tell you like it is.
Here's a question for those of you who say your not gonna vote since Trump is the nominee (presumptive).  Will his VP pick possibly change you're mind and persuade you to vote rather than sit it out?
Will his VP pick possibly change you're mind and persuade you to vote rather than sit it out?

i will not "sit out" the 2016 election. i simply will not vote for president. The "lesser of two evils" is too evil for me.
FrontierGander said:
Both are shitty but at least one has the guts to tell you like it is.
Ah, but does he tell it like it is?
One day he says "Build a wall and keep them out!"
Another day he says "The Republicans are heartless and we have to look at each individual immigrant."

One day he says: "No gun free zones and we have to protect the 2nd amendment."
Another day he says: "Ban "assault weapons" and have universal background checks."

One day, in front of a religious group, he says: "If a woman has an abortion, throw her in jail."
Another day he says" "I am strongly in favor of choice, even in the last trimester."

So, which is "telling it like it is?"

Now, the alternative candidate...............that will take another long post!
"NRA facing member backlash over Trump endorsement
The early endorsement was a push for GOP unity. But not all NRA members are eager to fall in line. - Politico

"The backlash, which also played out in a pitched debate among the rank-and-file on NRA’s Facebook page, is a sign that GOP unity cannot be rushed, even by groups with the credibility of the NRA.
“You can endorse anyone you want including the lying, progressive, anti-gun democrat DJ Trump, but you don't get to tell your dues paying membership ‘get over it,’” posted David Davis, who said he was ending his 30-year membership. “I didn't leave the NRA, the NRA left me.”

There are some, of course, who are for Trump. I am not among them.

My answer to can a VP choice change your mind and cause you to vote for Trump? Would they keep him away from our nukes and our military? No. Trump is unfit for the office of President of the United States and should never have his ignorance, arrogance, thin skin, vindictiveness, and mercurial nature married to real power. 

He is a walking human zit. It is why his last wives are all immigrants: proving once again that there are some jobs Americans just won't do.

God himself would need to visit me and command me to vote for Trump before I would do so... and then only as an act of faith in God.... and even then I would act with reservations.

Please, remember... I was asked.
Colonel who you and I vote for is none of anyone elses business. While I agree with alot points made here there are some that are pure speculation. I remember when Reagan ran for office and no one wanted him elected either. The claim of nukes and the military came up then with Reagan. Most all of these candidates make claims they never follow thru with. Obama has done the same thing. Were still at war with Isis which is nothing more than a name change of the same people we been throwing bullets at since Bush was in there. Obama said he would get us out and were right back in there again. If you wish to think that bombs and the army will be thrown about if Trump gets elected I cant change your mind but I think its really speculation to think that.  And no Im not trying to change your vote just commenting on the Nukes. Al
Kentucky Colonel said:
"NRA facing member backlash over Trump endorsement
The early endorsement was a push for GOP unity. But not all NRA members are eager to fall in line. - Politico

"The backlash, which also played out in a pitched debate among the rank-and-file on NRA’s Facebook page, is a sign that GOP unity cannot be rushed, even by groups with the credibility of the NRA.
“You can endorse anyone you want including the lying, progressive, anti-gun democrat DJ Trump, but you don't get to tell your dues paying membership ‘get over it,’” posted David Davis, who said he was ending his 30-year membership. “I didn't leave the NRA, the NRA left me.”

There are some, of course, who are for Trump. I am not among them.

My answer to can a VP choice change your mind and cause you to vote for Trump? Would they keep him away from our nukes and our military? No. Trump is unfit for the office of President of the United States and should never have his ignorance, arrogance, thin skin, vindictiveness, and mercurial nature married to real power. 

He is a walking human zit. It is why his last wives are all immigrants: proving once again that there are some jobs Americans just won't do.

God himself would need to visit me and command me to vote for Trump before I would do so... and then only as an act of faith in God.... and even then I would act with reservations.

Please, remember... I was asked.
You answered nothing that I asked. You just repeated what you've already said over and over.

Trump did teach you one thing. How to side step questions.
I am voting for the party more so the we can see what Obama has done to the country ..another Dem will follow his lead and appoint SCJ judges that will be the demise of us all...

also if Trump does get in..I think he will be mentored as what has to be done..lets face it..Trump does not like to look bad....he likes to win and be popular..its his ego...I believe he will try to please the people ..he will have help from his VP and cabinet...last thing he wants is to look bad to the people and himself...

I am not thinking about how it effects me..I am old now..I am thinking how it will effect the future for my kids and grand is not about us ..its about the future...
He doesn't seem to be bothered that much about looking bad for the last year. I worry that he won't accept any help. As of right now he has no foreign policy advisor, and it sure shows.

I think it's why he flip-flops so much now. he just talks off the top of his head, and then realizes later he screwed up and changes his mind. He needs help, and i'm not sure he'll accept it.

I'm waiting to see who he picks as a running mate. That will help to see if he can make right decisions.

I have to snicker at those who worry about him giving nukes to the wrong countries. He won't have the power to do that if he wanted to. He'll get impeached before it happens anyway.

I was responding to another's question. I felt yours was already adequately answered. 
I have been very direct and side stepped little. I don't know how I could be more clear.

(Chuckles) I doubt that anyone does not know how I feel or where I stand and why. 

Knowing how big a train wreck one candidate is when there is only one other option to 
choose from means little needs to be said about the lesser evil.

It is like you have to choose from a child molester and an alcoholic to baby sit. 
You know that the child molester is the worse choice, but your spouse does not understand 
that he is a child molester. So, all your energy is spent warning about the greater evil even though 
the second choice has severe short comings. Those short comings are known and accepted, but still the lesser evil.

However, if you want an evaluation of Hillary? It would take a lot of space. 
But, she does not terrify me the same way because she has restraint. (Say 
what you will about other things, this is true.)

Yes, I trust Hillary with the nuke launch codes much more than I do Trump. I doubt a 'tweet' would 
send her over the edge and make her launch something. I think Trump is stark raving and 
driven entirely by self-centered impulse. He's like that inappropriate and abusive drunken Uncle at a wedding 
who sits at the bar shouting at and groping everyone. Everyone wishes someone would throw him out.

I am not the biggest fan of Hillary, but she is clearly a better choice than Trump. Almost anyone would be. 
That bar is appallingly low. Hell, I know 12 year olds I would trust more than Trump. 
(He does not 'tell it like it is.' He is just appallingly ignorant and speaks when wiser men would 
know to be silent. He has verbal diarrhea and then stands by everything he has randomly trotted out- 
as if it came down from Olympus.)

Is Hil a crook, too? Yes. Does she flip-flop, too? Yes. (Just not three different ways in the span of two hours or two days.) 
Is she self serving, too? Yes. Will she allow new gun restrictions, too? Yes.

Oh, we are royally screwed with our choices. (The Social Democrat is the pro-gun guy left in the race! Seriously!? 
Who saw that coming? But, Vermonters love their guns and hunting, too.)

We have been offered a choice between having our dinner served with an entree of 
a parasite ridden sh*t sandwich or an off-smelling seafood dish. 

There is still a clear choice here, but bon appetite.
I seldom get to vote FOR a candidate in November. In the primaries I vote my consience and in November I vote AGAINST the liberal communist bastards. It will be the same this year. Piss on sone third party candidate, people voting for Ross Perot gave us Slick Willy and the Hilldabeast. IMO Hilldabeast and third party voters are traitors and non voters are only half as bad.
As I have said I vote party...I want a repub SCJ..congress and senate...the Dems think our constitution is an old worthless paper thats outdated...every thing to them has to be politicly Merry Christmas pledge of alegence in schools...they want goverment control of every aspect of our lives...

and if any one thinks a president can launch a pre empted nuclear attack is crazy...there is lots of safe guards for that...
Anyone who votes 'party only' has surrendered their thinking and is not exercising 
due diligence. 


I have done it for minor races. It is easier than learning everything about every 
candidate in every race. I was wrong.

How many dems are arrested for outrageous crimes? How many reps have been arrested 
for outrageous crimes?

Gonna vote for them?

Think. Before it is too late and illegal.

And, NO. The President as Commander in Chief has the authority and the launch codes. 
That is the definition of the 'Commander in Chief.' Look it up. That is the 'football.'

Sorry, Al. I get that you want your values represented by all branches of government. 
But, voting a party line is NOT EVER going to give that to you or anyone else. And, your 
basic understanding of Commander In Chief is flawed.
Only the President can direct the use of nuclear weapons, including the Single Integrated Operational Plan (SIOP). While the President does have unilateral authority as commander-in-chief to order that nuclear weapons be used for any reason at any time, the actual procedures and technical systems in place for authorizing the execution of a launch order requires a secondary confirmation under a two-man rule, as the President's order is subject to secondary confirmation by the Secretary of Defense.<sup>[citation needed]</sup> If the Secretary of Defense does not concur, then the President may in his sole discretion fire the Secretary. The Deputy Secretary of Defense would then assume the office of Acting Secretary of Defense in accordance with the Secretarial order of succession. An Acting Secretary would, likely, face the same test: to countersign the Presidential order or be relieved from office. This potential cycling of Acting Secretaries of Defense could be reminiscent of the so-called "Saturday Night Massacre" at the Department of Justice in 1973. (However, the Vice President and a majority of the heads of the Executive Departments could invoke section 4 of the Twenty-fifth amendment to the Constitution and have the President declared incapacitated. The Vice President would then become Acting President until the President submits a declaration to the Speaker of the House and the President pro tempore of the Senate that affirms his ability to discharge his duties.)

As said he cant launch by him self...he has authorize a its up the the others if they launch...or allow it....the 2 man rule...

now if it is a defense strike I can see it happen..but to be the ones for a first strike..nope..

and yes  I want our country run by our consitution...not executive orders that completely violate our rights as Americans...

also...the repubs will give more of my values than a Dem...
Anyone want to discuss how difficult it is to deny your commander 
in a chain of command?

No. The Senate can't say 'BOO' if the President decides to take an action with 
our military. They only get a say after the fact. The cold war made it that way. 
We needed to be able to act at a moments notice. They vote AFTER.

No one ever envisioned a reckless Trump ever getting NEAR the Presidency 
and our launch codes.

But, look how insane this has gotten. This is the level of our discussion. 
'Does the President have the right to launch... ' It is no longer even about 
'does he have the judgement to know when to launch and when not to.' 
We know Trump does not. This is a huge flaw in any Presidential candidate.
Be hard headed and not vote just hand it too Clinton I'd rather have Trump at 50/50 than Clinton at 100%. You like these sights and your right to keep your guns? if not vote Clinton