Pictures of baby crows in a nest with Mama Crow

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Mnt monkey

Well-Known Member
Jan 7, 2020
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In all of my years spending the woods I've never seen a crow making a nest and I've never seen a mama on the nest with baby crows as a matter of fact I've never even seen a crow that I would call a baby ,,I've seen crows that I would consider teenager because they were small to medium size and their voice box wasn't mature yet ,,but I've never seen a baby crow I've decided that they're interdimensional beings, do any of you bird enthusiasts have a picture of a crow on a nest or some baby clothes in the nest ,,I've been losing sleep over this.
In all of my years spending the woods I've never seen a crow making a nest and I've never seen a mama on the nest with baby crows as a matter of fact I've never even seen a crow that I would call a baby ,,I've seen crows that I would consider teenager because they were small to medium size and their voice box wasn't mature yet ,,but I've never seen a baby crow I've decided that they're interdimensional beings, do any of you bird enthusiasts have a picture of a crow on a nest or some baby clothes in the nest ,,I've been losing sleep over this.
Thats very cool bro. I was raised to, for the most part - shoot all crows on sight & it didn't matter what gun you had in your hands at the time. When I got into birds , with cockatiels 5 of them in all, I started learning bird psychology, how smart & cognizant & sentient birds are & then I one day while in the woods really started looking at crows in an entirely different light. Watching their behavior, listening to their language & how broad-spectrum it really is, watching their playfulness & individual personalities they have, how dang smart they really are. I've made friends with several wild crows in the last ???25yrs & a handful of wild squirrels I could hand feed & they'd climb on my & even lay down on me. I have a mated pair of crows that come to the back porch every day, one is just here with the other & for the food & freshwater I put out on this table daily. But the other one has a connection with me & has chosen me to play games with, like catch me if you can or cat n mouse type things It will fly away to just come right back, it will come right up to the glass to look in closely at me & will do body mimicking with me & pecks like a woodpecker on the glass when I'm not in the fam room & won't stop until I get up & go in there for it to see me. It will peck the glass too when theres no dang snacks out there. Its funny. They do have several nests close to the house, but I've never paid attn to their nests in particular. I get to see small crows every yr come to the back porch & baby grey & big fox squirrels too. They all nest around the house. Where I lived as a teen we had flying squirrels nest next to the house. I took a baby & hand raised it as a pet. I've done the same thing with 5 grey squirrels. Learning about all their behavior, language & their intellect is just amazing & wonderful. Crows really are amazing birds & very very intelligent. I edited this to add, I obviously do not shoot them nor want to shoot them anymore. I enjoy them now.
I know they nest and have babies and build nest it's just I've never seen it in the wild and it bothers me a little bit as many hours as I've spent in the woods,, has an animal observer crows are very unique, I have crows and black-headed buzzards that I feed daily where I work at but 15 yards from the back door,, if you're a bird enthusiast to me the crow is just in a class by itself. I had a big group of crows maybe 75 100 plus birds harass a red-tailed hawk in The Big Field that I was hunting in, the drama went on for about 45 minutes on the other side of the field finally the hawk flew up into the tree I happened to be setting in of course harassment just kept on again it went on for about 20 minutes as I was watching up hearing the noise change I saw that hawk take off with a half a crow in his feet and blood hanging out you should have heard the rest of the gang,,, life is so good just wasn't that crow's day.
Ok, when the mud is gone I'll walk out and take a photo of a nest for you. We have 3 that come daily. A pair that hasn't gotten rid of last year's youngster yet ;)
I know they nest and have babies and build nest it's just I've never seen it in the wild and it bothers me a little bit as many hours as I've spent in the woods,, has an animal observer crows are very unique, I have crows and black-headed buzzards that I feed daily where I work at but 15 yards from the back door,, if you're a bird enthusiast to me the crow is just in a class by itself. I had a big group of crows maybe 75 100 plus birds harass a red-tailed hawk in The Big Field that I was hunting in, the drama went on for about 45 minutes on the other side of the field finally the hawk flew up into the tree I happened to be setting in of course harassment just kept on again it went on for about 20 minutes as I was watching up hearing the noise change I saw that hawk take off with a half a crow in his feet and blood hanging out you should have heard the rest of the gang,,, life is so good just wasn't that crow's day.
They really are in a class by themselves. Watch a crow untie a knot in a rope or solve a puzzle to get a treat, even use a tool for something. Just amazing birds.
Looking for someone with personal experience and personal photographs I know there's a world of information out there on every organism animal and creature crawling the Earth I just love someone's own visual on that
No offense taken. I got a bit of a thing for birds. A little. Not to the level of high climbing for a closer look. I imagine with a long enough lense (or mirror lense) and the right vantage its been done.

Speaking of Google, I found this forum as a result of a Google search. Most modern high technolgy is a mixed blessing. As long as we are stuck with the bad, might as well take advantage of the benefits.
Here in SE Minnesota they love pine groves. Big pine groves.
I sometimes see the big crows in my neighborhood chasing and playing with the big fox squirrels, also taunting the neighbors terriers like they know the dogs are dumb. They are funny and very smart birds.

World's smartest birds.
Sometimes I mess with them when turkey hunting.
I almost always have a crow call in my pack and if the turkeys are quiet I'll hide up in some brush and do some crow calling. It's amazing how they hone right in on me ,circling around trying to find the source of the calls.
I use a crow call to try & mimic their language when they're on the porch. I've used a crow call as a shock gobble device for locating turkeys during a hunt & along with an owl call in the eve before a hunt to locate them in their roost. Its funny when I get my crow call to talk back to them, they look shocked like how the heck is he doin that lol
I think many of you like me consider yourselves somewhat of a naturalist if you've hunted as many years as I have you end up developing a natural affection for all of the outdoors around you,, so much of my hunting the last 20 years it's just really been game watching from birds, to reptiles, to four footed animals it doesn't matter,,,it just is very curious again with all the time I've spent in the woods I've never found a crow's nest ,never watched a crow building a nest , and never really watch baby crows learn to fly,, I've often thought that maybe they just migrated to some other part of the country and had the babies there like ducks and geese do. If I ever do see it I know I'm going to geek out on it.
We got a bird down here lives with the cows I think it's a egret, might be wrong there for you bird enthusiast we just call them cowbirds they pick ticks off the animals and eat the bugs around the herd you'll often see cows laying down chewing their cud and they'll be a bird up on their back just hanging out,, really weird bird they don't mind them cows but they won't let me walk up to them what's up with that?? And they make the weirdest noises when you hear them fighting over the best bugs I've asked a lot of people if they've ever heard cowbirds fight for the best ticks,,,, City people think I'm nuts!!

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