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Well-Known Member
May 26, 2005
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I know some of you have been shed hunting, but has anyone started scouting yet? I started looking at a new area, and saw some promising scrapelines and rub lines in an area I don't think sees much pressure. Its a couple miles back from the nearest road and since road hunting is very popular in Saskatchewan it may not see many hunters. I'm already getting excited! Here's a couple pictures of My dog Jasper with some promising sign.


Sure have been!!!
Mid 30's temps...Occassional snow flurry...Perfect Scouting Day!!!
Heres a couple Pic's of ADKhunter(dave) that I took of him on our first trip out checking a new area...I'm pretty sure we'll be there when the season rolls around :lol:


ARRGH! Bone Island Wildlife Management Area here in Ny is going to be a great spot for both bow and late season ML.
I am ready I say...I and ready for the swimmin with bare naked women. :shock:
Surely you did not pay attention in Pirate class....LOL

It goes like this:
"ARRRRRGH...I like to go swimmin wit bo legged wimmin"

It truely is an island that has to be reached by canoe or kayak...Zero access otherwise :wink:
I sure have been. I combined turkey and deer scouting during the end of February and the month March. Found some nice trails, a few scrapes, lots of rubs, and few BIG rubs like that one in the pic above. I got one rub on a tree way, way off of any beaten path that is about the size of my thigh. I've already marked to trees for stands on trails nearby. :wink:

I have to admit, although I love turkey hunting, I'm already starting to get antsy for deer season to roll back around! But 4.5 months still! :cry:
LOL...I feel the same way you do MM :lol:
Jumped a couple deer while turkey hunting Monday and immediately looked for a suitable tree for the climber 8)
Been scouting my existing areas mostly but have started on a few new spots I gained permission. I have few more to check out before the draw deadline, so plan to be putting in some extra time.

I almost enjoy scouting as much as hunting. For me the antcipation of the hunt fills the tanks.

Good Luck
Im planning on taking advantage of the early georgia bow season and im going to begin my scouting shortly! Ive got a pretty good spot already picked out....i just have to go in and start looking for activity in order to pick the perfect stand site.