When to take the shot?

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Well-Known Member
Mar 9, 2007
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just curious what your thoughts are on when to pull the trigger. i have always chose that when the deer gives you the first opening with in range take it, shot a buck one year where all i could see was his head looking strait at me, the next year shot a doe where all icould see was the top of her head again looking directly at me. others i hunt with wait for everything to be in line for a perfect broad side shot.
I take the shot when I am confident it will result in a dead deer within 40 yards. Some long shots will permit this, but I would pass on a running deer much closer because if becomes too iffy. That is just how I do it.
That has been successful for me for over 15 years. To each their own however.
I take the first good shot the deer presents me,but personally I don't consider head shots to be a good shot so I'd have to wait until I had a clear shot at the vitals.I had to kill a buck years ago that had it's bottom jaw shot off and that pretty much cured me of ever taking head shots.There's nothing wrong with your buddies being selective with thier shot placement.After all,the main goal is to harvest quickly and efficiently and if a person is not comfortable with the shot it shouldn't be taken.
I am a percentage shooter. If the shot being offered is a high percentage shot that I am sure I stand the chance to make, I will take it. If I doubt for any reason that the shot might not be possible, then I wait and see if something will change.

Also the animal will tell me whether or not the shot needs to be made right now. If the animal is not spooked, and walking around as if it would move to a better advantage point, then I have no problem waiting. If the deer is on alert, then you have to decide whether or not the shot is possible.
cayuga said:
I am a percentage shooter. If the shot being offered is a high percentage shot that I am sure I stand the chance to make, I will take it. If I doubt for any reason that the shot might not be possible, then I wait and see if something will change.

Also the animal will tell me whether or not the shot needs to be made right now. If the animal is not spooked, and walking around as if it would move to a better advantage point, then I have no problem waiting. If the deer is on alert, then you have to decide whether or not the shot is possible.

I'm with Cayugad here. I shoot if I'm sure I'll take my animal with it. Sometimes I get a clear shot and sometimes I have to wait. I'll admit waiting for a clear shot has cost me animals but I figure that if I respect the animal enough to hunt it then I should respect it enough to take it with a good shot.
If the animal is in the open and calm I am able to wait for that perfect shot but some of the animals I have taken were spooked and walking off when I took the shot. I guess it just depends what the conditions are and what I am carrying as my weapon. With my muzzleloaders I will hold off for the "perfect shot"...broadside and close