You ever do this??

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Well-Known Member
May 17, 2005
Reaction score
I just had a HUGE...I mean HUGE range write-up of my results over two days with my White 98 .451 and White 97 .504.....did I say HUGE write up? Well Nicole had told me to save it TWICE! I was just finished and about to save it when I dropped the TV remote on my laptop and lost the whole thing! I really could CRY right now! Maybe if I get over this trauma I'll re-write it TOMORROW! AAAHHHHH!!!!
Yep, well not the remote, but lost a few in cyberspace. :cry:
Yep, some rather lengthy posts have been lost to server glitches. Nothing better than forgetting to copy a post's contents before hitting the Reply button, then having that post disappear into some cyber graveyard. Not that the world is any less for the loss of miine. :?
and Chuck, that is one great looking rifle you have


and didn't I see a .78" group with Bob's NEWs? :wink:
I WANT ANOUTHER WHITE REALLY BAD !!!!! I should of never got rid of the 97 .451 I had :evil:
big6x6 said:
I just had a HUGE...I mean HUGE range write-up of my results over two days with my White 98 .451 and White 97 .504.....did I say HUGE write up? Well Nicole had told me to save it TWICE! I was just finished and about to save it when I dropped the TV remote on my laptop and lost the whole thing! I really could CRY right now! Maybe if I get over this trauma I'll re-write it TOMORROW! AAAHHHHH!!!!
Yes I've done it....I would peck the wrong key or something and all would be lost. This only happens after a well thought out lengthy post that I'm kinda excited about making JUST RIGHT! And then...BAM! :lol:
Underclocked said:
and Chuck, that is one great looking rifle you have


and didn't I see a .78" group with Bob's NEWs? :wink:

HOW did you do that? :wink:

This only happens after a well thought out lengthy post that I'm kinda excited about making JUST RIGHT! And then...BAM!

EXACTLY! :x 8)
I have had that happen just by touching the wrong key. It is suddenly gone. Talk about knock the wind out of your sails.

That is a nice looking rifle. And Lungbuster, I sure am glad you got rid of that White .451. That is one sweet rifle to shoot... :D

I had just finished a very logical answer to this - but it is gone! but I were gonna say NEVER... ya right...

But now maybe government is right - do it on paper in triplicate so you have a coule that you can throw away...
I've never had it happen... yet. However I have had issues on a research paper though. :oops: Luckily only a few paragraphs. The thing that really ticks me off though, is when I go back to rewrite it, I can't get it up to the same level as the first time. It should be easier but it isn't. Oh well, it's still better than writing by hand. If that was the case NOBODY (that includes myself) could read my handwriting.
Uc I have talked to him on it and he don't want to sale it with out the scope and an't comming down on price any :(
" I have acsess to 5 brand spankin new ones still in factory seald boxe"

where? SHARE!! :twisted:

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