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Jan 29, 2020
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This topic has probably been beat to death already.
When do you hunt?
I prefer hunting in the morning but I can be flexible as the weather dictates or as the season winds down.
A friend of mine sent me a picture yesterday of a big buck cruising by his stand at 1:30 in the afternoon.
So is it morning, middle of the day or afternoon?
I hunt any and all times. I see deer at any time of the day, you just never know.
99% of my hunting is on State Forest, so there's usually other hunters around but not always. I like morning hunting but I honestly think I've shot more deer in the afternoon and evening.
I keep game cameras out all year and see bucks moving at all times of day and night, but the majority are daylight until about 10 and 4 until dark.

My hunting preference is mornings, because I’d rather clean a deer in the daylight than by flashlight in the evening. However, I’ve probably killed as many deer in the evening as in the morning.
I hunt when I have the time. With work, my wife’s business, and 4 kids all with activities if I get a chance to hunt I’m taking it morning or afternoon. But if I had to choose I’ll pick mornings every time. I like getting out there well before first light and watching the woods come alive. Watching the sunrise while hunting is one of my favorite things.
When the rut's on, unless the woods are full of hunters, it won't make any difference. Find where does hang out at what time of day. Your bucks will be comin' round. Personally, dawn on opening day's not my time. Mid-morning works better where we are as other hunters will spook 'em up either as they go into the woods or as they walk out. Late afternoon's good for seeing deer but not good for following a blood trail.

When the rut's not on, the same deer come out at the same time every day in the same place unless weather's bad if not disturbed. It's what they do.
I'm not too fussy about what time I'm in the stand except for the opening weekend where I'm in the stand an hour before sunrise and leave at the end of legal shooting time. After the opening weekend I split up the stand times between mornings and afternoons. If I hunt mornings, I'm in the stand like the opening weekend and I stay until about 1 in the afternoon. If I hunt the afternoons, I generally am in the stand at 11, staying until dark. November's weather here is usually scrappy enough that paying attention to moon phases is a joke, so I pay attention to the weather. For the last ten years wind seems to be a factor most days during the season and for the most part I do not pay much attention to it either. Over the course of our nine-day season I see as many deer at mid-day as I do early in the morning or later in the afternoon and basically feel that if I am in the woods, I'll see deer. This year I saw most of the bucks at mid-day.... between 11 and 2 pm. The does we took were all taken in late afternoon, but many were seen moving in the morning before 9am.

Really it doesn't matter when you hunt. If you're not in the woods or field, you aren't going to see deer to shoot.
My favorite times of the day to be outdoors is sunrise & sunset. If I had to choose between the two, sunrise comes out on top by a fairly wide margin. After two close calls at almost being shot as a teenager on public hunting land (MD) in the early 70's, I made a decision to not hunt on any public land if there was a better than 50/50 chance of meeting up with a another hunter.

As a result of that decision, I subsequently spent the vast majority of any future time hunting at times of the day that tended to be unpopular with most other hunters, the serious, and the casual alike.