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Well-Known Member
Aug 22, 2012
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I mentioned the other day that I was getting a heart catheterization tomorrow. Yesterday I went for pre-op and the cardiologist said, "what medication and dosage of the coagulant am I supposed to give you?" 

I said, "you're supposed to give me the directions, not the other way around."  He then goes on to tell me that someone else will be doing the procedure because he is going on medical leave and yesterday was his last day. I proceeded to outline his responsibilities to the patient and he told me that I could cancel if I wanted to. I said, "Hell yes, I want to cancel. You don't have a clue what's going on."  :suspect:

I got copies of all my records and by 5:00 yesterday evening, I had an appointment with a new cardiologist in a different city.

This is what medical care is devolving to in the government-controlled health business these days. Be careful who you go to and insist on references from them .. and check them out.  :slaps:

(insert curses of your choice!)

I had to FIRE a Doctor off my team this year. Most people don't know that they can. 
SOB clearly was trying to read my file for the first time as he sat with me trying to 
convince me to do things I knew were contrary to my condition. 

He looked like he needed a drug fix. Twitchy.

Experts are only worth a daXX if they give a ShXX. Bob's clearly didn't.

When I calmly explained things to a later hospital employee, I was vindicated. 
But, you can not wait for some one else to say it. If your gut and brain (not your fear) 
says something is wrong, you have to take the wheel. 

Patients have the right to control their experience. Few know this or can use 
that knowledge.
I'm sorry you're having to go through this.......We live near a community that has a hospital and medical team that has a terrible reputation.......so we drive an extra 40 mins across the Washington state line to doctors and hospitals in Spokane. No reason except that medical administrators here are more concerned about the bottom line than they do their patients. When running with the local volunteer ambulance service.......we all considered having tatoos that said "please transport to Sacred Heart" (Spokane) in the event any of us needed emergency care. My wife is an office administrator and a medical assistant for a primary care office in Coeur d Alene......folks have no idea how bad it is with this mess.
I've told my doctors that I am not a patient, I am a customer. If they don't agree right off, I go somewhere else. 
I have a better system. I don't go to a doctor anymore. All they ever give me is bad news. I don't like bad news.

I just try to think positive and deal with whatever is wrong. I find it better than going to a doctor and then worrying about what he tells me.

If I die. So be it. At least I won't worry about it.
OMG!!! Your doctor has an ethics problem. He knew long before hand that he had operations scheduled and failed to notify his patients.

i have a great doctor.
We moved 10 yrs ago cause of kids and grandkids.  Hated to leave my internist. In first visit 25 years ago he told me he saw his job as getting me to live to 90 feeling good till the last couple of years instead living to 92 feeling like **** the last 30. 

Told the new internist here. He chuckled and said that was a great philosophy.
Living to 90 is genetics, not doctors. Both my parent and grandparents on both sides lived to the high 80's. Odds are I will too with or without doctors.

Doctors are like mechanics. They only make money if they find something wrong. Whether something is wrong or not. I wish I had the money back that I wasted on doctors.
Muley said:
I have a better system. I don't go to a doctor anymore. All they ever give me is bad news. I don't like bad news.

I just try to think positive and deal with whatever is wrong. I find it better than going to a doctor and then worrying about what he tells me.

If I die. So be it. At least I won't worry about it.

We're paddling the same canoe!!

Every time I do see a v.a. doctor, they want to give me medication with side effects worse than what is wrong.Sooo I don't take the meds.No sense adding more problems!
Muley said:
Living to 90 is genetics, not doctors. Both my parent and grandparents on both sides lived to the high 80's. Odds are I will too with or without doctors.

Doctors are like mechanics. They only make money if they find something wrong. Whether something is wrong or not. I wish I had the money back that I wasted on doctors.

No not totally.  My father had genetics to live till 90 as did my mother.  Dad ignored the warning signs of colon cancer till too late and mother tried to tuff out the pain she thought was stomach issue till too late also.  Either would have made 90+ with early detection and proper treatment.  My siblings and I have all had polips removed and have periodic colonoscopies.  Our daughter had breast cancer at 34 but it too was diagnosed and treated early.
[align=justify]I'm "knocking on wood" ......I have an annual physical each year at the VA, everything OK so far.  I have a women Doctor (which I highly respect) and she says "I'm not on any medicine and she wants to keep me that way".  Her words of advice to me as always.  "Flour and sugar is your enemy".  :D [/align]
Standing Bear said:
Muley said:
Living to 90 is genetics, not doctors. Both my parent and grandparents on both sides lived to the high 80's. Odds are I will too with or without doctors.

Doctors are like mechanics. They only make money if they find something wrong. Whether something is wrong or not. I wish I had the money back that I wasted on doctors.

No not totally.  My father had genetics to live till 90 as did my mother.  Dad ignored the warning signs of colon cancer till too late and mother tried to tuff out the pain she thought was stomach issue till too late also.  Either would have made 90+ with early detection and proper treatment.  My siblings and I have all had polips removed and have periodic colonoscopies.  Our daughter had breast cancer at 34 but it too was diagnosed and treated early.

You missed my point. You need the genetics to make it to 90 whether you go to a doctor or not. No doctor can get you to 90 if you picked the wrong parents.

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