Another Trivia Question.

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Muley Hunter

Well-Known Member
Sep 23, 2010
Reaction score
I was going to ask what country have to most guns, but everybody knows that's the US.

The question is how many guns are there for every 100 residents in the US?

Don't look it up. I would have missed this one.
man i dont know but if you went by my house their is one in every corner. i love these triva questions. keep them coming.
Ok, the answer is 112. That seems like a lot if they counted every person.
OldMtnMan said:
I only need one to hunt with.  :D
And one to carry for self-protection, and one shotgun for birds, and one .22 for squirrels and critters, and a fancy one for church-organized hunts, and one .......    :twisted: