Gun safe suggestions

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Well-Known Member
Dec 21, 2005
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I need to get a gunsafe, way to many out there, my main concern is theft, not so much fire, needing to store 40 plus guns. What do you folks suggest? What is workin for you? Thanks

We have a Liberty, seems to work well.
Use the garage theory as to size: Buy one much larger than you think necessary ,as you will fill it before you know it.
I bought a Cannon 28 gun,but they make bigger ones.All I can say is make sure you have plenty of help,they weight a TON>>

Drake Safes of Roxboro, NC

Greg Drake makes a great safe. Not the least expensive but none better fro the money. He has a couple month waithing list on custom builds.
Nat Lambeth
I am working on making the closet in my office a safe. My plan is: steel plating all around, double drywall, fire proof caulking, fire proof steel door with custom latch. It may not be up to safe standards, but for the price and how much I can fit in it, why not.
The video was informative but if you really think about it most criminals do not care tools with them when breaking into a home unless they know you have something they need tools for. They are smash, snatch and grab.
My gun safe is camouflaged no one would even think it was a gun safe.
If you want a good safe Drakes is excellent, my father has been friends with the owner for years. My dad has a few safes and they do weigh a ton so do consider location. He had to build supports under his house to support the weight and he had one he had to put in my garage on my cement slab because it was so heavy. But the heaviness is also a benefit because they can not just pick it up and take it with them.
Re: safes

We have a Liberty, seems to work well.

Our local safe dealer wanted to put us into a Liberty but they had ordering and supply issues so we opted to fork over extra money for a Browning. LOVE it.
Had a Liberty and loved have a Rhino Big Horn ...Love that one too. Just need to do the research and make a decision. Usually comes down to the get what you pay for.

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