Heres how its going

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I made it out today at 3:00 to start filling doe tags. At 5:00 I see movement and assume its Lewey. Then I see additional movement and see another fawn and larger doe coming in. It was overcast and pretty dark. Still assume its Hewey, Dewey, and Lewey. They graze for a few minutes and it dawns on me this is a good size doe. By then they have moved to a position only 35-40 yards away. I have the crosshairs on momma and it can be all over but behind her is a house. Im hoping they move toward the bean field which takes her out of line with the houses and 60 yards closer to my vehicle. Win Win.

They caught my scent and ran the opposite way to the back of the property. There are a lot of pines back there and its dark. Through the scope I cant distinguish between them. No shooting.

As I exit the blind I see a white patch in the grass. Its Lewey. He watches as I exit and is only interupted to take a few bites of grass.

Got out today. Quiet this morning till 9:30. Saw 5 deer going through the woods and brush at a previously measured 140 yards. Couldnt shoot with all the brush and movement anyway. Stayed until 10:30 in the event they could wonder my way. No luck. Out again by 1:00 and no movement until Lewey showed up to feed his tap worm at 4:30. At 5:00 a very nice spike wondered through. No doe tonight. Try again tomorrow.
Doe meat is better than no meat. 😁
Beats a buck every day , buck eats crap when chasing does /no fat/ run down /and loses weight every day until the rut/late rut ends ! Give me a doe every time and with marginal feed this time of year every mouth (DOE) eats the same as the buck . My club has the new found position to fill nuisance tags and I've filled 3 and at this late date going for #4 . The 1st thing noticed is (NO ROAD KILL) so far and houses (painted green) are still standing ! And we shoot (not me) some (BIG) horned deer because of our new found policies (I got on the board) and attitudes changed here . Old timers stopped bitching about shooting does and road kill is way down , a win win for the deer and the hunter . Deer do poorly on snow cones /Ed
Gather around hunters and Ill tell you a tale. Of a hunter named snap who has an event to share. Fill your glasses with beer or bourbon. Whatever you favorite drink is by your fire.
You see snap set his standards a little high this year. Hoping one of those big bucks would show that posed for his camera. Well, buck season passed without an encounter and snap was OK with that because he knows next year they will only get bigger.

Tonight (12/20) snap sat out waiting to fill his doe tag. At 4:09 Lewey showed as well as another small fawn 140 yards to the south. Pretty early and excited snap was confident in what the night would hold. Soon another fawn to the south as well as another fawn following Lewey to the bean field. Nice and early the anticipation was high.

At 5:10 (shooting till 5:30) to the west the woods was alive with movement. Like the ground was boiling. Snap was ready and put his binoculars to work. As the boiling mass moved toward him he identified the first deer as a beautiful 6-8 inch spike he had seen many times. Second in line was a twin or what could have passed for one. Four deer remained unidentified so the scrutiny continued. Next was a spike with a mutated left horn. Could be a related to the first two deer at least by appearance but must have had an accident with that horn somewhere.
Hope still running high the forth deer came into view. It was a two inch spike that is legal for an antler less license. But snap likes doe better and there is still at least two deer to identify and 12 days of hunting left.

Deer number five presents itself and a nice fork it is. So far snap is familiar with all these deer. Having spent weeks hunting for their daddy. One more deer to identify and he is still optimistic there will be at least one good doe in the group. The last the deer clears some brush only to show off his six points.

Really????????? 6 bucks in one group not 20 yards in front of me. By this point Im laughing my behind off. I have never in my life seen 6 bucks in one group. At least while I was hunting.
I had a pile of fun tonight and this will be a memory to share.
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Really????????? 6 bucks in one group not 20 yards in front of me. By this point Im laughing my behind off. I have never in my life seen 6 bucks in one group. At least while I was hunting.
I had a pile of fun tonight and this will be a memory to share.
There isn't any "Blue Oyster Bar" signs near by is there????
Seems to be the thing this year, I was blessed with 2 Doe's with my ML's. Our last season i can take a Buck in with my ML opens in the morning. Closes at legal shooting time on January 2nd. I have not saw a deer during the daylight in a week.

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