Living a happier life

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Mar 22, 2016
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A few years ago, I'd say about 6 I started going back to church and renewing my faith in the Lord. The past 2 years I've really been getting into reading the Bible and before this pandemic started I was going to church 4 times a week. My knowledge in God/Christ has vastly improved. My life has never been happier even with all that's going on in the world because I've put my trust in Him.
Oh don't fret...I still hunt and shoot and do everything I used to do as far as firearms go. But I find I'm kinder toward others even when they rub me the wrong way and I am slower to anger (even though sometimes my wife pushes the wrong buttons!!).
I just wish everyone reading this would sample what I've been feeling lately. It is truly amazing. God bless you all. And if you're an atheists, that's OK. Its your choice and I will still love you. I leave the judgement to Him.
Interesting endless topic…”Living a happier life”.
p.s. While religion is just one path to such an outcome, there are other events in one’s life that yield the same results. I’m sure there are countless other examples, but I personally know two individuals whose path to a significantly “happier life” resulted from a job change. It can be that simple.
Interesting endless topic…”Living a happier life”.
p.s. While religion is just one path to such an outcome, there are other events in one’s life that yield the same results. I’m sure there are countless other examples, but I personally know two individuals whose path to a significantly “happier life” resulted from a job change. It can be that simple.
So true Marty, nice reply. :thumbs up:

When talking about religion I always think what we do when under stress. When in East Asia in the 60's we would see the Blacks and Mexicans paint crosses on their clothing and head coverings. After an engagment when seeing those hit (many in body bags), you would see shot placements on or near those crosses. The bad guys were using the crosses as a point of aim. That gave us allot to thing about as young men. :(

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Being of a faith very unlike Christianity I've received rebukes and such from some who should know better. One's faith should be carried in the heart and not on the shirt-sleeve for the world to see. In the time of Jesus he scolded the Pharisees for public (NOT "pubic :eek: ) display.
Being of a faith very unlike Christianity I've received rebukes and such from some who should know better. One's faith should be carried in the heart and not on the shirt-sleeve for the world to see. In the time of Jesus he scolded the Pharisees for public (NOT "pubic :eek: ) display.

In Christianity, we're taught to witness. (tell others) Then it's up to the person being told to decide. Someone can't accept or reject if they don't know about it. It's not the same as what the Pharisees did.

Definition of a Pharisee:

A member of an ancient Jewish sect, distinguished by strict observance of the traditional and written law, and commonly held to have pretensions to superior sanctity.
Old Mountain Man is right, as a follower of Christ we are now children of God and we're supposed to witness for Christ. Whether or not people accept him is between them and God. We tell the truth and the Holy Spirit does the saving. Being ridiculed for our witnessing is just a part of our suffering. But I can tell you this. There is no greater piece of mind or soul for me than knowing Christ Jesus as my personal savior. Dave Benson.
As far as Christianity is concerned, beliefs of the various denominations often differ radically. And like the Muslim radicals, Christian history records warfare, torture, renunciation of scientific knowledge and pretensions to knowing God's mind; "PRIDE", in other words. And most of my friends are "Christians" of one sort or another. But many are also Jews and Buddhists. Buddhism is the only major religion that has NEVER been spread at the point of a sword. Christianity is a Jewish Sect with a Rabbi (Jesus) considered a Deity. More than half a millennium before Christ, Buddha recorded much of what Jesus taught at his "sermon on the mount". As I see it, the "religiousness" of "religion" has overwhelmingly replaced it's spiritualism, which is where one's comfort actually comes from. Dogma, IMHO, has no place in religion. In Buddhism there is a saying, "Come and you will be welcomed, leave and you will not be pursued". Most religions teach similar morals and behavior, but too few follow those teachings.
As far as Christianity is concerned, beliefs of the various denominations often differ radically. And like the Muslim radicals, Christian history records warfare, torture, renunciation of scientific knowledge and pretensions to knowing God's mind; "PRIDE", in other words. And most of my friends are "Christians" of one sort or another. But many are also Jews and Buddhists. Buddhism is the only major religion that has NEVER been spread at the point of a sword. Christianity is a Jewish Sect with a Rabbi (Jesus) considered a Deity. More than half a millennium before Christ, Buddha recorded much of what Jesus taught at his "sermon on the mount". As I see it, the "religiousness" of "religion" has overwhelmingly replaced it's spiritualism, which is where one's comfort actually comes from. Dogma, IMHO, has no place in religion. In Buddhism there is a saying, "Come and you will be welcomed, leave and you will not be pursued". Most religions teach similar morals and behavior, but too few follow those teachings.

The last sentence in your post is the reasons Christianity has had it's share of problems. Don't blame Jesus for it. It's not what he taught. There are also many who claimed to be a Christian who are as far from it as one can get. I'll use Trump as a prime example. Not judging but just an observation.

You're free to believe anything you want Hanshi and I won't put down what you believe. It would be good if you could do the same.
The last sentence in your post is the reasons Christianity has had it's share of problems. Don't blame Jesus for it. It's not what he taught. There are also many who claimed to be a Christian who are as far from it as one can get.
I worked for a guy that had a feed store (one of a dozen stores in Denver Metro). Super rich family with all of them working these stores as managers, God believing folks, but businessmen first to the bone. Heard a factory rep put it to my boss one day about how he treated the customers.

"What's the deal Howard, Screw them 6 days a week then go to church on Sunday makes its right" - the boss changes brands of power equipment that following Monday. What struck me was that was the way my boss really did work. :(

There are many (too many) so called Christians that are a lot like the Pharasies of old that put on a big display in public. They attend church on Sunday but act totally different during the week. How we live should reflect our faith.
Christians have only a few "rules" if you will. 1. Accept Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior. 2. To love one another as your brother. 3. To spread the Good News at every opportunity. We as Christians are disciples of Christ and as such are required to plant the seed. It is up to the individual to accept or reject the Word.
We are to live in accordance with the Word of God. The phrase "What would Jesus do?" is a really good start. Being both man and God he was sinless.
It's wonderful to hear about the positive impact that renewing your faith in the Lord has had on your life. It's true that putting our trust in Him can bring peace and joy, even in difficult times. If you're looking for a community to grow in faith and fellowship, consider visiting First Church Love - Home. It's important to remember that everyone has their own personal beliefs and we should respect and love one another. #FaithandLove #Godbless
I haven't been to church in a while. A few years ago I started reading the bible a chapter or three a week. I finished. Every morning I start with a devotion to help me stay in line. I need to get back to church.

My problem is this. I grew up Protestant. Go to church on Sunday. But the Bible says to keep the Sabbath day holy. Thats actually Saturday, The last day of the week. I have several protestant preachers tell me it got changed to Sunday. The Bible changed? Im asking God for wisdom to sort it out. I think I need to go talk with a Seventh Day Adventist.
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I haven't been to church in a while. A few years ago I started reading the bible a chapter or three a week. I finished. Every morning I start with a devotion to help me stay in line. I need to get back to church.

My problem is this. I grew up Protestant. Go to church on Sunday. But the Bible says to keep the Sabbath day holy. Thats actually Saturday, The last day of the week. I have several protestant preachers tell me it got changed to Sunday. The Bible changed? Im asking God for wisdom to sort it out. I think I need to go talk with a Seventh Day Adventist.
Wednesday is 'Prince Spagetti Day'..
i used to believe in god , was baptized , taught a few sunday school classes , rode with gary (preacher) doing in home bible studies was involved with a christian band traveling all over north carolina (sound guy no singing LOL) and i read the bible A LOT . i would read a few pages a day (working my way through a book) comparing KJV , NIV and NIS bibles and a few lexicons , i was probably a bit OCD because it was very important to me . the more i read the more questions i had and the less it made sense . i'm actually slightly open to the idea of a creator , but i just can not comprehend how someone with so much power needs to keep creating beings to worship him , he created angels , and some of them turned against him . then having to be brainwashed to be happy in heaven ....... how could someone be happy seeing folks that found jesus on death row but realizing some of their loved ones didn't make it ??? are folks just supposed to suck it up and say it's god's divine plan so all is good let them burn i hell ??? there is no way a being with such power could be so petty , so insecure , so vengeful , that a being with that kind of power would choose to create people to terrorize with threats of eternal damnation if they don't bow down and worship him as the greatest and most wonderful thing ever ........... how can people not see a egomaniacal psychosis there ? certainly a being of such power wouldn't be hindered by ailments of creatures he created . in the end i believe the old testament like all other religions was collaborated by small groups of people long ago to control large groups of people . jewish people (who studied the old testament more than any peoples) don't believe jesus fulfilled the prophecies (don't take my word , GO RESEARCH FOR YOURSELF) and they have very valid points . if there is a creator i don't believe there's any book on earth that represents him or her or it .
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Well the way i`m seeing it when we stand before Him it`s gonna be by ourselves. No example of others walk is going to cut it. The question will be what did you do with my Son?
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