LONG winter.........

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Long Range Shooter
Supporting member
Dec 4, 2009
Reaction score
I'll just say this has been one different winter here and it just doesn't seem to want to let go. We ended up with 14" of heavy snow a couple days back and its not settling very fast. Under all that snow, is about a foot of nothing but MUD. Its the MUD that puts a stop to just about any activities, especially any range time. We actually had much better weather in February than we've had so far in April.
Getting on the club's range is impossible and likely won't happen until sometime in May now, and if it keeps up, maybe by June. The club's range is the only public ranges to shoot up to 600yds in the state, and I've been working hard trying to talk the club into improving the road into the bench area.
I understand that its tough now days for clubs to get enough volunteers to help, let along obtain enough money for improvements. The wife and I spent an entire day on the 600yd range two years ago and had it looking really good. I've offered to help this year now that the knee is better, although I still wear a brace and will have some limitations.
Winter......... go away!
I hear you. We had a somewhat cold winter but very little snow. Now we have had snow last 2 weekends and calling for it this one. Just crazy this time last year I had my garden half planted, but this one only taters and spinach in and would sink to my knee in the mud.
It just won't let go :wall: Now they're talking another 6 more days of snowy weather starting tomorrow. Actually watching the Weather Channel or reading the local, is depressing :d'oh!:
ENCORE50A said:
It just won't let go :wall: Now they're talking another 6 more days of snowy weather starting tomorrow. Actually watching the Weather Channel or reading the local, is depressing :d'oh!:

I hear ya as well! North Idaho is a totally different animal than the Wa Coast where i moved from 7 years ago, about Mid to end of November it gets Harsh, and continually harsher through March, It usually locks up and freezes real hard before our first snow, The Ground is then set to hang on to it til spring (our first snow in Nov, Dec is usually here til Springtime) We average about 4 feet of snow, with some winters in the 6-7 foot range. Sure makes it tough to get out and do anything! I shoot every opportunity i get, But in the months of Dec-March it is impossible to get anywhere, I live amongst Mountains all around me, we don’t have a local shooting range, folks here head for the hills, or the Sandpit just outside of town, But eventually The Snow ends up blocking every avenue, then you wait for Spring Thaw. On the Wa Coast it rarely snows you out, and if it does it never lasts long at all. But the benefits of living here (WAAAAY Less people) outweigh the Harsh winter months in my opinion. A benefit to our HARSH winters is Springtime Estate sales! :lol: It’s the truth!! I’ve talked to folks that wanted out of here in a BAD way, They were practically giving there stuff away! :lol:

Hang in there ENCORE50A, it’ll get better soon!
Idaholewis said:
ENCORE50A said:
It just won't let go :wall: Now they're talking another 6 more days of snowy weather starting tomorrow. Actually watching the Weather Channel or reading the local, is depressing :d'oh!:

I hear ya as well! North Idaho is a totally different animal than the Wa Coast where i moved from 7 years ago, about Mid to end of November it gets Harsh, and continually harsher through March, It usually locks up and freezes real hard before our first snow, The Ground is then set to hang on to it til spring (our first snow in Nov, Dec is usually here til Springtime) We average about 4 feet of snow, with some winters in the 6-7 foot range. Sure makes it tough to get out and do anything! I shoot every opportunity i get, But in the months of Dec-March it is impossible to get anywhere, I live amongst Mountains all around me, we don’t have a local shooting range, folks here head for the hills, or the Sandpit just outside of town, But eventually The Snow ends up blocking every avenue, then you wait for Spring Thaw. On the Wa Coast it rarely snows you out, and if it does it never lasts long at all. But the benefits of living here (WAAAAY Less people) outweigh the Harsh winter months in my opinion. A benefit to our HARSH winters is Springtime Estate sales! :lol: It’s the truth!! I’ve talked to folks that wanted out of here in a BAD way, They were practically giving there stuff away! :lol:

Hang in there ENCORE50A, it’ll get better soon!

Our average snowfall runs right at 7'. Just glad I don't live in Houghton, where it averages 17'. Lake affect dumps the snow on us. If I were more towards the middle of the state, there's more sand there and things dry up rather quickly. Here however, everything turns to mud. I'm very lucky to live only 25 miles from a club that has a public 600yd range. However the road to get to it, meanders around a lake and through a cedar swamp. Unfortunately they have to close the road to anything but foot traffic. Walking through all the snow, or mud, for 1/2 mile carrying all the equipment required just to get to the tables, is for someone a lot younger than I am. Then you have to walk through the same stuff to hang targets.

But you're absolutely correct. Thing will get better at some point. Just hope it isn't June.
I'm usually the guy that chimes in on these posts saying I love winter. But enough is enough. Our yard/driveway was a soupy mess as everything was thawing like normal. Then last week we got another 15" on top of water. Our driveway is terrible, my truck sinks down about 6-8" the whole way. Now they are calling for 17-29" friday through sunday!! With the mud underneath there is no way my tractor can blow through that. Enough winter... time to let go!
Yes we are working on 240 inches 35 miles north of me ,lake erie lake affect. Our trout season opens Saturday, and I am out in the woods looking for gobbler tracks.at least I got some fun in at Oakridge. Our round ball club stats in 10 days and I don't think we can in at that range.
NASTY........... 14" and we're in the lull until the next 1/2 comes late tonight/tomorrow.

This will shut down the club's range until darn near June unless it warms up fast and stays.

Geez!! I sure hope we don’t get anymore of that! I feel for ya Man, i really do! This is an odd winter, it’s been loooong! The Mountains here are stil fully covered in snow, and you can see fresh just barely above us about every morning. My Dad really enjoys a Garden, it’s always Risky to chance planting anything before the very end of May, First of June is the safest bet. My folks have lived here 20 years now, Dad has learned to go off of the Mountain Snow to plant his Garden, usually by now you can start to see the Mountain snow fading back, But NOT this year, Dad claims if there is stil snow here this time of year and covered in the hills it will likely Freeze/Frost Late, Which Obviously would kill your Garden seedlings.
yeah it was 75 here yesterday, 58 today w/rain and 39 tomorrow with snow/rain in the morning.. Im like all you guys I usually like cold weather/winter but I'm over it now, its mushroom/turkey time and its more like January. :(

edmehlig said:
We don’t have snow, but to go from 87 to 37 degrees overnight is ridiculous!
edmehlig said:
Lew it would be if it wasn’t for the high winds and rain. I have your Bullets all lubed sized and ready to go.

I hear ya, Doing the same thing here!
We are getting hammered here. Hasn’t let up for 2 days. Church was even cancelled this morning. It’s tough to tell how much we have got cause it’s so windy, 4’ drifts in spots and a good foot in most others. We give up winter, you win, now just move on!
edmehlig said:
4 Ft??? Where do you live??

North central MN
4’ drifts. I’m 6’2” and when I was out with my kids this afternoon I jumped off our retaining wall into a drift and it was up to my armpits. Kids would jump off and just disappear. We are trying to make the most of it and enjoy it.

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