Not ML related !!

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Well-Known Member
Feb 3, 2006
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But i just had to show you guys a photo i took of my Lab on a walk in Logan Canyon ( Wood Camp Trail ) . He just loved being on top of that rock .
Gotta love the colors of fall !!! I hope this is OK !!

After seeing your picture I think I'll take my dogs for a walk and do a little scouting.
Thanks Zen
Heck Rob, the Lab is black and he's clearly looking for game. ML powder is black and ML hunters are always looking for game. Seems to me it's a perfect picture for this forum.
Enjoyed the picture. New Mexico has it's own beauty, but I miss the Aspens in the fall in Northern Utah. Thanks.
We are getting some good snow the last few days . I just love the fall when the temp drops . My wife thinks i am nuts !!!!!!!!!! I have a muzzy tag for a spike Elk in 3 weeks but no time off . I guess i will do some evening and morning hunts but will have to shoot a elk close to the road ( if possible ) don't have much time to pack one out and will be hunting alone .
hjbuys said:
Enjoyed the picture. New Mexico has it's own beauty, but I miss the Aspens in the fall in Northern Utah. Thanks.

I take it you use to live in N. Utah .????
Excellent picture.. the colors are turned here also. My black labrador and I were out walking in the woods today. Although now because of his age, I can not wander too far unless I want to carry him home. And he's too heavy for that.. :mrgreen:
Here are some more fall photos .



The Logan River


Elk Country !!



Not any fall colors but a beautiful view north of Fielding Utah

Those are some outstanding pictures you took there. It makes a person want to go sit in the woods...

I have a lot of relatives in Utah actually. My mother was born and raised in the southern end of the State in Fillmore County I believe she said. She was from around Delta..

This is my back yard. Not as nice as yours but looking out the window brings me a lot of joy... Good luck hunting.

only bright colors i get to see out my window is from a maple tree i planted a couple years ago :lol:

But a couple to share of my hunting area,


Then we have my nephew and my dog while hiking up Spanish Peaks west trail.
I grew up in Smithfield. I don't miss the cold, but I've still yet to see a place as beautiful as Cache Valley and the surrounding mountains. It will always be "home" to me. My dad has a buck/bull combo but hasn't seen much of anything yet. He's been up on the south side of 3rd damn in blacksmith fork canyon. I'm not sure where your spike bull area is, but I think he's going out some more this week. I'll let you know if he gets into any elk.
not ML related

as usual your photos are breathtaking and ALWAYS welcome sights on this website!!!!!
And thanks everyone else for your great photos too!!!!!!
My wife and I have been colleting leaves all week & took yesterday off to take our annual color tour with a four hour drive yesterday and Boy , am I glad we did!!! The weather was beautiful and the fall colors were the best in years here in Northern Michigan. The only bad part is that I have to pull over to let the traffic pass by me, because I take the back roads so I can drive slow & enjoy every new scene that comes around the next curve.
hjbuys said:
I grew up in Smithfield. I don't miss the cold, but I've still yet to see a place as beautiful as Cache Valley and the surrounding mountains. It will always be "home" to me. My dad has a buck/bull combo but hasn't seen much of anything yet. He's been up on the south side of 3rd damn in blacksmith fork canyon. I'm not sure where your spike bull area is, but I think he's going out some more this week. I'll let you know if he gets into any elk.

Here is a slide show of a old building north of Fielding , Cutler Marsh and photos from the Cache Valley area. ... 81a56b.pbw
Enjoying all the photos guys !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Still snowing here and i hope the trees don't get too heavy and start falling . A ton of snow on trees with leaves is not a good thing . :?