Simichrome to polish bores

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Feb 21, 2008
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As both my Pennsylvania Hunters and Renegades are: rough on patches and very tight bored respectively, I thought a polishing might do them some small good.
In the past, I used Iosso and JB.
Iosso seemed a bit gritty, and JB didn't seem to polish much.
So I grabbed a tube of Simichrome. I figure if I can polish up the lands, things might be better for all 4 rifles.
Especially the Hunters. Those two are breaking my heart...
Anyone try Simichrome as a bore polish? How'd it work for you?
Well... Got a pile of black patches!
After I used the Simichrome, and cleaned the bore to remove the residue, I dryballed and extracted the sabot/bullet. Must report no improvement in ramming. Hard as ever and no smoother. I suppose the grit is just too fine for this application.
It does wonders on dirty priming flasks though!