What a day :(

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I'll just say that its a real pain in the ask to be setting 250 miles away and you can't do a damn thing. At least there's communication by phone.
She's remained stable and the FIRST surgery WILL be today. Her surgery is being done by their top trauma surgeon as the damage is so damn bad. Today the surgery is to insert rods in the Tibia and Fibula as they require complete stabilization for the following surgery/s. It appears her stay will be extended with the different surgeries.

Life as we knew it changed in that instant yesterday. She'll have months of recovery and likely months of therapy.
I've talked with her twice today, once just a bit ago. She wasn't in a good mood, as the pain had returned and of course, it would be another 10 minutes before they'd give her more pain meds. Because they're not sure of the exact time of surgery, the pain meds they are giving her appear to not be working so well.
Another new chapter and getting her well is the most important. All other things will get done when they can.

Thanks everyone.....
Prayers for you both and best wishes to the wife for a speedy recovery.
Very sorry for the accident, hope your wife has good doctors and heals quickly.
You have to be strong, friend.
My wife and I retired a couple years ago. When we were working, I was on days and she worked the night shift.
Hardly ever saw each other then.
Today, we're together all the time. After reading about your story, I realized how much she truly means to me.
Peace and love to you.
I'll be heading to the city tomorrow.
She had surgery at 6:15 which was to pin the fibula and tibia and straighten the leg. The surgeon, who as I understand it, is the top trauma surgeon for the hospital, called me at 6:46 and the surgery went extremely well. He said he was extremely happy that he was able to completely straighten the leg. While she was open, he did another procedure I can't remember and also removed a lot of blood in the knee. He said that removing all that blood will make her feel so much better.

I'd seen the xrays and what was broken and how. Now I'm in no way, even the slightest, saying I know what I'm talking about but, that damage just puzzled the hell out of me. How could so much damage happen???

The surgeon pretty much explained what happened and he didn't see it happen. When the ladder went out from under her, she stepped down on her left foot. Every bit of her body weight went from 3 rungs high down to that leg. The surgeon told me 3 times that it was the most unique damage he's seen in all his years of surgery.
Her weight, all 120# of it, went directly and straight down. The upper leg pushed so hard on the lower, that the Femur split the Tibia like you would split a piece of wood. Everything else fractured at the same time.
I asked him about a possible knee replacement and he said it was completely out of the question, and that her knee and leg were so damaged that there wouldn't be anything to attach a knee replacement to. He did say that down the road 10 or 15yrs, that a knee replacement at that time would be possible.

Value the times together...........
Hang in there George, all the brotherhood here are supporting you and yours in thoughts and prayers. :lewis:
Wow. I am so sorry for you both. At least she is with a surgeon that seems top notch and he is not rushing her/you into any quick decisions. My prayers are with you both. I read my wife your posts and told her she will not be climbing any ladders to trim our trees without me holding the ladder. Never realized how dangerous a fall like that could be. Please keep us updated on her progress.

George, I feel for ya. I'm in the same boat. My wife slipped and fell and tore her meniscus, fractured her fibular cap, and has a cyst on her ACL. Surgery will be soon. I guess all we can do is hope for speedy recoveries.
Sorry to hear of your troubles. Yes it takes but a second to change your life.
Hoping for a quick and complete recovery for the wife.

Big John
She has to remain in the hospital down below and the major surgery to plate and screw everything together is scheduled for the 30th.
She actually called me last night around 10pm and she sounded like a million bucks :) She said the extreme pain she had before surgery was gone. I had to inform her what the surgeon told me. Lord it was good to hear her in better sprits. She's actually ready for me to show up today LOL
Her greatest thanks of all was that she could finally have a glass of water and a bottle of Vernors. Other than the IV to keep her hydrated, it had been over 30hrs since she had anything at all to drink.
Not looking forward to going into that area and the city but, certainly looking forward to seeing the wife.
I can sympathize with you. My wife broke her ankle about 3 weeks ago. She’s 74 and, as I’m sure you know, healing doesn’t get any easier as we get older. I wish you and your wife the best recovery possible.
A good trip, but a long trip. 214 miles one way. I had some folks give me some great directions that allowed me to miss a lot of construction and backups and save mileage.

Wife was in good spirits and happy to see me. Her pain level was really very low and she can move her toes and ankle like normal. She's pretty anxious, but that's to be expected. I had the list of things she wanted in a bag and she was very grateful for that. It did us both well to see each other and we spent 4hrs together.

After retiring and moving totally away from the city, I can tell you I don't like going back. People are NUTS!
I told the wife that once I got south to Bay City, people became stupid.
Once I got to the Ann Arbor area, people became insane.
South of the Ann Arbor area and closer to Royal Oak, the best I can say is they're fools.
I guess if you live in that crap, its normal and you don't think anything about it.

We're not sure when the second and most extensive surgery may be. The surgeon told me the 30th, but the nurses were telling the wife it may be Thursday. Either way, the wife is pretty adamant that I not travel down again until she's released. We agreed on that but, it also depends on a release date after the second surgery.

Not afraid to say.......... it was damn hard leaving her there today.

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