Is it OK to use a water based grease to lubricate bullets?

Modern Muzzleloading Forum

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Sep 14, 2007
Reaction score
Hello everyone,

This is an old dilemma that seems to have come up from a discussion on another forum. One of my close friends who has several muzzleloaders and who taught me to shoot my only one (a Knight American 50 cal which I bought at a discount for $ 100) uses a water based grease (the kind that is sold at ahrdware stores like Ace ) to lubricate the 320 grain cast bullets that he home brews. My friend has had no problem at all with this formula and he shoots more rounds in a week than I probably do in a year.

However, on a different forum, I was warned that this was a problem as the water based grease would varnish the insides of my barrel and destroy it, and I have stopped using it for this reason. When this question came up, again, on a third forum where I am a moderator, I thought that the best place to post this would be over here.

With the moderators' permission, I would like to mention this forum on the other one (without copying and posting the replies from here as I do not want to offend anyone) and would be grateful to everyone for your suggestions on this.

Thank you for all answers and best wishes and good hunting!