is their a song that brings tears to your eyes each time you hear it?

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strong eagle

Well-Known Member
Oct 11, 2016
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is their a song that brings tears to your eyes each time you hear it?

mine is spirit in the sky, by norman greenbaum, whats yours?
Re: is their a song that brings tears to your eyes each time you hear it?

theme song the Good the Bad and the Ugly by Ennio Morricone,the Gael from Last of the Mohicans,  they will play both  at my planting !!
Re: is their a song that brings tears to your eyes each time you hear it?

Music sparks all kinds of emotions. When I hear the theme from Dances with Wolves I want to go out and kill a bear with a bowie knife. Last of the Mohicans has a similar effect.

Other songs can bring sorrow and even tears. I prefer the music that pumps me up than the ones that make me sad.

A lot of it depends on what mood i'm in when I hear the music. The same song can spark different emotions depending on my mood.
Re: is their a song that brings tears to your eyes each time you hear it?

the last of the mohicans is and was the greatest movie music ever ever recorded. cant get enough of it. my kids loved it i love it and it has been used in bits in other movies. i could list many songs and recording i love but the spirit in the sky to me is tops. the wildest and gets my blood boiling is train 45 in d tuneing on a arch top 5 string banjo. the 12th of never for a love song and for a ballad the wreck of the edmons fizgerald. the secular line that says oh where oh where does the love a God go when the waves turn the minutes to hours. we have all been through moments like that if we have lived a long time. thanks for every ones replies, they come from the heart.
Re: is their a song that brings tears to your eyes each time you hear it?

In honor to my friend Tall Soldier. Inspired by the movie Dances with Wolves.

And as they search in vain for the now escaped Lakotas. The eerie silence was interrupted by a piercing haunting howl of a wolf. The proud wolf with his head pointed to the sky and perched fearlessly on the cliffs edge above them. He let another loud and fearsome howl announcing the failure of the Army and Pawnees, to capture the Lakotas and Dances with Wolves. And so ends the tale of Dunbar and his journey with the Lakotas on the frontiers. His heart heavy knows things end will come. An end to the frontier and its mythical mysteries...and the end of the Lakotas proud existence. For it is the rule of a cruel world where all ancient things must end to make way for the new to dominate.
Re: is their a song that brings tears to your eyes each time you hear it?

Well there goes 
  crap ....​
Re: is their a song that brings tears to your eyes each time you hear it?

Sad, lonely and all that crap will never tear me up. I get emotional when I see brotherhood and bravery.
Re: is their a song that brings tears to your eyes each time you hear it?

Breakfast in hell.......written and sang by Slaid Cleaves. Listen to it and see if a tear falls.
Re: is their a song that brings tears to your eyes each time you hear it?

Good one John. I had to listen to it twice while reading the lyrics to get the full feeling.
Re: is their a song that brings tears to your eyes each time you hear it?

Below is another good one by Slaid Cleaves. Check the song posted by magpie on youtube it has old pictures that shows what it was like at the time.

Re: is their a song that brings tears to your eyes each time you hear it?

Oh, my!  I tend to tear up or cry at so many songs I'd never get around to listing them.  Dave Loggins' "Please Come to Boston" is just one of them.  Movies, too.  "The Age of Adaline" and quite a few others get to me.  I'm very tender hearted, I suppose.  Strange, because I don't mind at all - in fact I thoroughly enjoy - causing physical pain in others, slamming them on the mat, locking out joints and so on.  But I can't even think about my deeply mourned "Micky" the basset without crying.  Oh, well.
Re: is their a song that brings tears to your eyes each time you hear it?

sounds like you got a very well balanced personality,ive fought hand to hand to save my life and did no mercy but normally im very very soft hearted and dont start any fight.i dont like women pushed around or hurt, i can take a lot of crap but in a corner i have to react. you sound the same. i get a kick out of my friend. he has a carry permit for a fine handgun. he has shot at my man target many time. he is as slow a honey in mid winter. he would be dead before he got a bead on anybody. he cant hit a bull in the behind with a stand up bass standing next to the bull. he has a perfect stance, i want to shout, for Gods sake shoot. some time the big loud guys dont have what us small guys have, speed and instant reflexes. i can empty my saa colt faster than he can get one shot off and hit the man target every time. walk softly and carry a quick reaction.
Re: is their a song that brings tears to your eyes each time you hear it?

I've never found a need to carry a handgun and i'm still alive. I grew up using my fists. No need to change.

Never found a need to carry backup for bear hunting either.

I don't find the world that scary.
Re: is their a song that brings tears to your eyes each time you hear it?

Strong eagle, I feel about the same as you on those issues.  Since my hands are affected by painful rheumatoid arthritis my options are rather limited.  Still, I know enough after 57 or more years of training to be a little bit dangerous to an unsuspecting attacker; I look like an easy pushover.

I've trained and promoted a number of women in various martial arts over the decades.  I also have women instructors as good friends from all around the country along with men instructors.  I highly respect each and every one.  One of my best students is a lady in her late 70s who only started at my dojo around 24 years ago.  She earned black belt ranks in several arts from 1st dan up to 4th dan.  She has been teaching judo in Texas and can hurt you real bad.  There are others, of course.  These women are anything but "victims" and will not be abused by any man.  I still teach and train locally at a dojang and love it.  Can't do all that much, any longer, but can do at least a little.  My main goal is to stay as fit as I can.

OldMtnMan, Like you I do not walk around scared; not around where I live nor in the bush.  While deer hunting with a friend - he with a bow and me with my flinter - and sitting on the ground; we watched a very fat bear moseying around near us.  After a while "Mr. Blacky" happened to notice us sitting there.  He turned and started coming in our direction, to say "Howdy", I suppose.  He came pretty close and stood examining us face to face.  I could have easily tossed him an apple.  He, or she, was beautiful and so fat it was difficult to see any legs.  He finally was satisfied and moved on.  But he stayed in view and not very far from us until dark when we went home; still finding food, it appeared.  Now, I love bears and it's always a great treat to see them.  But I feel safer in the woods than I would walking downtown after dark; I just never worry.
Re: is their a song that brings tears to your eyes each time you hear it?

enjoyed about the bear and such. if i have to defend my self or defend some one else it would depend upon the day. some days i wouldnt be much good emotionally for the stress of a fight. other days my mind set is way different and i could do well. i worked 4 years once on a very high stress floor of a big major hospital. i only worked evening shifts and got off about 12 or 1230. it was like being in battle zone every evening shift. i was so keyed up for anything when i got off each shift i would have welcomed someone to try to mug me. i was ready to go. their were muggings going on but it never happened to me. now days i try very very hard to keep all stress levels down. i also dont carry a gun. ive always tried to do what the opponent doesnt expect and confuse them. about 10 years ago a weird game warden who later got fired tried to pin a dead deer on me that i never shot. he was yelling and screaming at me, where is that illegal deer i know you have. their was none, he was just nuts. i was on my side walk and he was just getting wilder and wilder. so suddenly i grabbed my chest and went to my knees and said to my wife, ive got bad chest pain and pretended to have something to do with the heart. it stopped the out of control game warden cold and he got back in his green truck and left. later he tried that with the wrong guy and they set him back east. think he got fired. also his computer was full of xxx talk to many women around this country. his life went from bad to worse.
Re: is their a song that brings tears to your eyes each time you hear it?

When taps is plade I'll tear up every time.There are a lot of songs that trip that impulse.My granddaughter can get to me real fast,boy can she sing.

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