new 300 gr bomb terminal performance

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Nov 29, 2014
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i believe bomb is correct name . these new bullets from 7mm are extremely accurate and are devastating on whitetail deer. this buck is by far not best on my property but he is confirmed 8 yrs old and has broke up several good bucks and is extremely aggressive. i have tried for several years to harvest him. 11-16-15 at 1:45 pm a doe lead him out into a opening at 236 yds doped scope to 3.25 moa blackhorn powder load 2400 fps. he was perfect broadside settled crosshair on shoulder and squeezed trigger he never made a step . hunched up and fell over backwards. done ..
deer field dressed at 231 lbs a definite monarch in southern indiana. i like big high scoring deer but i believe after 30 yrs of hunting and history with this deer its my best personal harvest.

back to the 300 bomb. bullet smashed thru shoulder and exploded lungs and heart and blowed thru offside shoulder . entrance hole .450 exit hole 1.250
lead of bullet passed completely thru and found copper jacket in exit hole. the off side hide was shock lifted completely from ribcage. heres crazy part the taxidermist said she thinks the pressure of shock came up under hide and lifted hide loose from his jaw and forehead . she stated after skinning around bases the rest literally pulled off with fresh blood layer between skull and hide.


exit bullet jacket is exiting wound as i found it.

bullet jacket as recovered

best hunting ride ford never produced bronco/ranger been good for over 300k

praise the lord!!!
thanks to all who have helped me with this long range muzzleloader learning .
thanks keith for a great bullet
He is a stud for sure! Congrats and thanks for sharing your story and report on the BOMB's. Its makes the harvest even better when you have history with a big buck.
Wow bestill.... that is awesome! Great shot, and a stud of a deer for sure! 8yrs old... amazing. And he's about 2x as big as our deer :lol:

Impressive job that bullet did for sure. Interesting what the taxi said, can't say I've ever heard that before. You'll have to post a pic of the mount when you get it back. Very unique and impressive rack. Big congrats :applause: :yeah:

Oh, and my buddy would agree with you on the truck, though his is a beater rust bucket compared to yours :lol: :lol:
I was just thinking, I've never even heard of those bullets. :think:
Who makes them, what are they designed for? I assume you were shooting sabotless...and obviously a stout load of BH. Impressive :yeah:
very nice deer! And that is a heck of a shot. Congratulations on a fine buck.
Congrats! Nice Buck!

Interesting place to find the jacket. I wonder how fast the lead core was traveling when it left the exit.

Are the Bombs still in the testing phase?
A lot of mass on those antlers, you could call him bigfoot.
Congrats on the successful hunt; thanks for sharing the hunting story and photos.
nice buck. Missed mine tonight, so bad it didn't even stop feeding!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Bullets are very new project and this is first deer that has been harvested with them and very few have been tested per accuracy but look very promising
nice buck, awesome truck. what do you have on the end of your barrel? what the of benefits are you seeing with that? obviously a muzzle break, never seen one on a ML before. where do I get one and how do I install it?

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