New shooter from MD

Modern Muzzleloading Forum

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Nov 17, 2008
Reaction score
I just ordered my first ML, should be here in a week. I am an avid Bowhunter and have always wanted to hunt with a ML so here I am.
Congrats and welcome to the forum! You can proudly discuss both here on the forum. We are glad to have you.
Nice to have you here. What kind of rifle did you order? Being a bow hunter you know how to get close and personal, so about any kind of rifle is going to work for you. Good luck .
I chose a CVA Kodiak. I researched for 2-3 months and based on the $$ I had to spend this seemed like the best gun for the best price. I am interesetd to know from any Kodiak shooters what loads/lead works best in their guns.
WELCOME. I did not have a Kodiac but i did have the CVA optima and enjoyed it for awhile. I gave it to my brother because i wanted him to get interested in muzzle loaders. enjoy this is a great forum