new to bows

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Well-Known Member
Dec 21, 2009
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So I decided I was going to try some stick slinging. I orderd a pse stinger 60lb with the skull works camo on the bow and quiver cant wait to try my hand at bow hunting
I've been lucky enough to take deer with a compound, recurve, and stick bow. A compound can increase your effective range, while a recurve/selfbow can increase the challenge. In the end though they are all "bows". Good luck with your new challenge.
I always have bad luck with bows. Though I tore a vein in my forearm when the string slapped it LOL.

They are fun though! Expensive as hell when you lose or break a $16 Arrow outfitted with a snazzy broad head.
well your off to a good start ,,the pse stinger,is a solid choice, now the first thing you need to understand in bowhunting,,,WHAT WORKS FOR OTHERS MAY NOT WORK FOR YOU. in this game,it not about what you paid,or how cool it looks,,its all about what feels good,and works for you. i just bought that same bow for my new daughter in law last yr. her first. and before the season started i had her shooting bullseyes out to 40 yrds. now keep in mind,the best thing you can do for yourself is to practice,and be consistant. meaning,when shooting,pay attention to your form,,repeat,repeat,repeat once you find your groove. and most important
(( YOU NEED TO BE CONCERNED WITH YOUR ACCURACY)) never mind about the speed,,that will come in time after you get the accuracy down first. remember you only need 40 pounds to kill a deer. dont rush it,,take your time,and enjoy it. most want spped right off the bat,and there accuracy suffers,what good is speed if you cant hit what your aiming at. an other piece of advice,, start with the lowest poundage you feel cumfy with,,shoot at that whright for awhile, remember take your time, then after awhile,turn up the poundage 5 lbs. at a time,and repeat.when comfortable,then repeat.untill you get to were you want to be. if you do it to fast,,your hurt yourself mussle wise,and you dont want that. if you have to struggle when pulling back,,your going to hurt your mussles,and as well scare deer away with unnessasary movement. the key here is to draw smoothly,and commfy. witch brings me to how you pull back your bow,im guessing your going to want a release,,there are many to choose from,so try them on and see what you like the best. theres many archery products on the market,,some good,,some junk. i personally,and my 3 sons and daughter in law all use the winn free release. its built to last,is allways ready in the hand,and when you pull your using your whole hand ,and not your wrist. but again,like i stated what works for others may not work for you. its your world,and the choices are whats best for you. enjoy!! it is a wonderful sport and feeling .