
Modern Muzzleloading Forum

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Aren't you?!!! I aint too sure of the pedigree on some of them - but today they are all Americans!! :twisted: :mrgreen:
absolutely!!! I admit... I watched it more than once!! Nice clicker!!! :twisted:
UC, now thats one that even Wakeman may certify as an ULTRA Heavyweight 500 YARD PLUS ML if it wernt for that Damn Spanish Proof Mark!!! :lol: :lol:

Any idea on the Lock Time aka Lock Speed?? I know this could vary somewhut from shooter to shooter based on age, agility etc but assume a 54 year old adult male who aint as quick as he used to be but aint yet willing to accept it yet. This may have to be run thru some puter program to get accurate results! Be sure to factor in slight arthritis in applicable bolt hand plus an element of bullshit. :lol: :lol:
Awwww, Turkey-Turd Tan Pastel, what a great color! I've seen a lot of synthetic stocks that felt like turds, but never one with the same color as one! :lol:
:lol: Just canceled my Comedy Channel! Never had so much fun!! :lol:

UC, you come up with some great stuff. :lol:

Maybe get the Mrs. involved with a stopwatch while I work the bolt thru a cycle. Cant type mno more...laughen too much. :lol:

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