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Well-Known Member
Mar 9, 2007
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what is everybodies favorite choice for doe scents pre-rut, rut, and late season post rut, to lure in the big boys?

Those commercials are so STUPID!!! :roll: 8) I laugh every time!

I use tinks 69 and that code blue stuff
I've never been a big fan or advocate of scents, but thats just me and my opinion. Only thing that seems to work for me is a good cuban cigar :D
Special Golden estrous or Code Blue estrous for the rut.
My brother swears by Standing Estrous. At $45 a bottle, or whatever it is, I'll pass.

I've seen more activity from Special Golden Estrous than I have anything. The only other I've used is Code Blue.

I personally don't like messing with scents. Seems to be a lot of trouble for not much gain that I've seen. The easier to use and less mess is an important factor to me though. That's one reason I like the Special Golden Estrous, it has a spray bottle.

The stick (like a deodorant) VS1, looks interesting because it should be easy to use and not messy. Not sure on price, haven't heard.....just looked it up, it is $45 a stick too.
I use Code Blue when its available mainly because it comes from a real deer, not some chemist in a lab. But when its not available my second choice is Tinks 69..... And I agree their commercials are crazy, so crazy that you almost have to laugh when you see them.
Save your money!!

I believe in no scent.

I have used over a dozen brands and have even placed the scent on a rag next to the trail where they could not miss it. 6 rags with 6 different scents. I set up where I could watch and nothing doe or buck even acknowledged they were there. This test was during pre-rut and rut.

...on second thought apple scent has worked for me.
Spitpatch said:
...on second thought apple scent has worked for me.

....and at least that is a pleasant smell. That's one reason I don't like the doe in heat. I've had a drag work, but it was a small 6 point. Too much trouble in general.