T/C ???

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Omega Man

Well-Known Member
Dec 11, 2006
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Well let me begin and from my handle I own a Omega and also a 54. renegade and I couldn't be happier . But the other day I suggeted to a co-worker that there was a sale on Omega's , which I thought was like the one that I purchased a couple of years ago . Mine is stainless , thumbhole camo stock w/fiber sightes for $399 . the sale 2 years later was the same , but the barrel ended up being something new , with a weatherguard finish that ended up being a nickel coated barrel I believe . Sommy friend goes and buys this gun after all the hype from me stating the out of the box accurracy and what not , but to my surprise his wasn't presighted in with the Green Mountain guarantee , he had nothing but problems which puzzled me . So today he brings the rifle in so I can see that the front sight was noticably off center and after the rear sight couldn't be moved enough one way or the other when he was trying to sight it in , he removed it to find that the tapped holes weren't both centered on the top of the barrel ? So I suggested that he go back to the store where he got it from , and to both our amzement , they were all that way . So the next day he called T/C and they told him that the barrels on all their guns now are made at their facility in NH at less cost than to buy the barrels from Green Mountain , because they have the technology in house . So then he proceeds to tell my friend to go back and to please tell the store where bought this gun and for them to please contact T/c and send all those other ones back because they already knew that their were problems with a certain batch that had been sent out ???? Are you kidding me !!!! So my friend is taking back the junk Omega and getting a full refund and going and buying a Knight Rolling Block with his hard earned money . So I gfuess the quality of T/C products have gone right down the tubes - has anyone else come across any , or heard abuot any else . Obviously their saving money by this move but still charging the same price for an inferior rifle .
Never had any issues with my omega. But one thing they couldnt help me out with was their horrible sights that come with the rifles. Sighted and bottomed out and all the way to the right and i was still shooting 8" low at 50 yards and 2" to the left. This wasnt a low dollar omega either. I wish they would come up with some quality sights for us who have to use open sights.

And longer stocks with some drop to them. Almost every new model made muzzleloader today is set up for scopes.
My open sight holes seem to be ok, but my scope mount holes on my omega are not top dead center. I had to use millet rings to bring the scope back over the top. Now my weathershield finish is rubbing against the stock and I noticed a little rust where the finish was wearing. Oh well, guess I should have bought a stainless.

On the plus side, it shoots great with bh209 and 250 gr sst.
The Knight is an excellent choice. Knight & Savage are about the only game going now that NEF doesn't make muzzleloaders anymore.
Marlin bought them, then Remington bought Marlin. Guess Remington didn't want the competition...
frontier gander said:
Dang that had to have been a good chunk of cash.

Cerberus Capital Management owns Remington, Marlin, NEF/H&R, & Bushmaster.
Well I guess I own all the T/C guns that I'll ever own - because they'll never make a good barrel in house if they can't even put a sight on or tap a barrel with precision . I have an original Omega and the sight's on mine are excellent and it has tack driving ability right out of the box , not like the ones their pumping out now - no comparison - only the name is the same and that's a sellout to everyone who has boughten one before their screw up to even imagine that they could make a barrel equal to a Green Mountain -so buyer beware !
Omega Man,

It sounds like your friend just got a bad tap job and I bet the barrel itself is fine if you used a scope on it. T/C has super customer service so your friend will be taken care of, so don?t sweat. No excuses for this to happen, but the Omega line is probably about to be phased out because of the Triumph which is an awesome rifle and has had tremendous sales since it was released.

I?m not sure about a T/C gun ever coming with a Green Mountain barrel or guarantee because they don?t make and never have made their new rifle barrels. Green Mountain does make most if not all the Knight Rifle barrels and they do make T/C replacement and drop in barrels but T/C has had for a long time their own CNC Machining Plant in Rochester, NH to make their own barrels. I believe this firm is known as Thompson Center Investment Castings and had been around since 1946. So if you like your Omega and it shoots good so will the new ones.

Part of the reason Smith & Wesson purchased T/C was for this CNC Technology and T/C?s array of barrel manufacturing for their own line of guns. The cost of all this equipment is very, very high and makes no sense to outsource these to other manufacturers. Are far as barrels go they are probably better then Green Mountain barrels because they makes high powered barrels too and not just black powder, .22 or black powder cartridge ones.
Although I could be wrong,I too have never heard of Green Mountain making the barrels for T/C.In todays world of manufacturing,every once in a while someone is gonna get a bad part,that's just the way it goes.It is very unfortunate that your bud got one of those "bad parts",but I guarantee that T/C will fix the problem and you won't get a second bad part.The odds are very very slim,but what if the Knight you talk about is bought and "something" is wrong with it? then what are you gonna do? I am not trying to endorse brands here,I own a Knight LRH,T/C Omega and a Savage 10MLII.They are all very nice pieces.Oh,at least you were able to speak to someone at T/C,I have been trying all week long to speak to someone at Knight through email and phone.Knight has not returned my emails or has not returned any phone calls as promised.Hope whatever you choose it works out.Happy Hunting!
thanks for the replies , the problem was fixed , he returned it for a full refund something which can be done with a muzzleloader . Well what can be said for a company that knows that they sent out bad quality guns and is not trying to retreive them , their on the other hand taking the chance that the consumer doesn't catch their mistake and then if so , later will fix the problem through customer service . I'm happy with my 2 rifles but they were purchased several years ago when they out out top quality merchandise . I realize that there tryimg to save money by making the whole piece in house , but they should have made sure that they had a piece that was made with pride , skill and craftmanship before sending them out for sale . Where was the quality control , my buddy went back to the sport shop to find that everyone they had at the store were thesame -no good -not for $400 -let alone $100 and to say that the barrel was probably fine and to just put a scope on it is freaking ridiculous . I pride myself shooting open sights because I extremely profiecient - , my son which i taught to shoot at an early age is in the Air Force and everytime he has to certify at the rifle rage he shoots expert -since boot camp - that makes me proud . I'll shoot with a scope when I can't see anymore- my question is why buy a rifle with sights if there no good and you can't use them . My purpose for the intitial post was to make the new buyer beware , hold feel , look it over real good , because it maybe a repilca and not hte real thing like the one I have . And on the box of my original Omega - it stated on the box that it was sighted in at 50 yds I believe , mine was and another buddy of mine had a Black Diamond which said the same thing and both out of the package were tack drivers .
As far as I know,T/C has allways made their own barrels in house. I ordered a replacement barrel for a 54cal Gray Hawk,and they asked me if I wanted them to bore a QLA into the muzzel. I said No, since the gun is used to shoot PRB. They made the barrel and had it sent out to me in a weeks time,and it shoots great :) ! I also own two contenders,and have many barrels for them--------all made by T/C,and Fox Ridge. I've never heard of GM making any barrels for T/C. They (GM) do make replacement barrels (after market) for some of the older side lock T/C's. Ron
The others are right... Knight has GM barrels OEM not TC... GM does make aftermarket barrels though for most TC sidelocks. TC does not use GM barrels as original equipment. I don't think it ever has...
Even GM has some screw up's. Like that issue a while back where they were sold Helicoil repaired barrels for the sidelocks.
Just an update on my buddies current situation - don't he go out like i said and purchase by mail from Bass Pro an overnight delivery of a Knight Rolling block in stainless amd when he opens the box up after inspecting it -arem't the open sights screwed up just like the ones on the Omega's . By this time he's had it and after trying it at the range his pissed by now . So he goes out and buys a red dot for it so he can get used to it before our season opens . Wow that's pretty discouraging , I tried to talk hiom into exchanging it but he's done . Pretty sad of these companys
I have been expecting this kind of crap ever since Smith and Wesson bought TC out; the same money group that screwed up SW is working on TC. Lee
One bad barrel of thousands made by T/C is not a disaster...its just one bad barrel that T/C will replace for ...FREE.

Yeh easy for you to say Choc-dog -until this BS happens to you - no excuse with all the technology out there today . Years ago this kind of thing was unheard of because people took pride in what they made . It's a small consilation that ones gun will be fix if it might have a defect and something unfortunately breaks . But to put these guns out that are inferior right out to be sold is disgusting to say the least . Buyer beware , I can't emphasize that enough ! :shock: