The gun show or ice fishing?

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Nov 11, 2018
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Today and tomorrow in Novi. Its a pita to pay for parking and then $10 to get in but its usually a good show. I always say im going to avoid it but almost always end up there anyway. This time of year there's only ice fishing or gun shows, and the fish never bite when the weathers this nice.
Today and tomorrow in Novi. Its a pita to pay for parking and then $10 to get in but its usually a good show. I always say im going to avoid it but almost always end up there anyway. This time of year there's only ice fishing or gun shows, and the fish never bite when the weathers this nice.
That Novi show is insane with people and traffic. When we lived down below I think I went there twice and why I went the second time is beyond me.

Weather down below is nice????????? They have a tournament on the lake up here today. People are on the SE side of the lake gathering up stuff blowing off the lake :)

Screenshot 2022-02-19 100504.jpg
Its a little windy but the suns out. Got to anchor the shanties so they dont blow away. I consider that decent weather. Cloudy and snowing with little wind has been good fishing for me. Sunny always seems to make the gun show crowds worse too.
I’d rather go fishing and get cold, then get burned at the gun show! 😆

The air is fresher when you’re fishing, vs. rubbing elbows with The Great Unwashed, at a gun show! 🤭😇

I’m at that point in life where anything I’m looking for is typically pretty specialized. The chances of stumbling upon something good at a local gun show are pretty slim, for me.

Go fishing, even though you already know how that will end.

“You should have been here yesterday…“ 🤠
Today and tomorrow in Novi. Its a pita to pay for parking and then $10 to get in but its usually a good show. I always say im going to avoid it but almost always end up there anyway. This time of year there's only ice fishing or gun shows, and the fish never bite when the weathers this nice.
Sooo the gun show it is then.
You can meet new friends at a gun show by just walking around with an ML on your shoulder.

Just cant think about anything else.
Back in the day, I loved goin to gun shows. They were really casual & great cash - hand to hand deals virtually everywhere. Then the whole vibe of them changed, & the killer deals were gone & it became an overpriced ratrace of ppl. I haven't hit one in a good decade, & I really miss the good old gun shows. Have fun bro & share pics of your new toys - the ones you're about to buy lol
And if the fish don't want to play, there's always tequila.
Take plenty of beer bro. Have fun

It’s kind of funny… I’ve been ice fishing all my life, and I don’t know if I’ve ever taken a drink on the ice! That said, I’ve never had what we around here call a “permanent” shelter… always some variation on a portable shelter. It might be different if I had a bunk, and a sleeping bag! 😇

Some years back, I was going ice fishing when I got off work at 0700. One of my partners reminded me that I had to be back at 2300, and cautioned me not to get “too drunk.”

When I told him that I didn’t think I’d ever imbibed out on the ice, he asked me, “What do you do, then?” Uh… “Fish?”

It took me a while to convince him that ice fishing was really a “thing.” He had always figured that “ice fishing” was just like “choir practice,” i.e. something that was not quite like it sounded! 😆
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🤔 Let me see..... Go out in the cold, stand and sit on a block of ice, Maybe catch something maybe not In sub 0 wind advisory temperatures, nature, enjoy the fresh air, and have potentially the best day of fishing all year, Or...... Go to a hot, stuffy place with thousands poor ventilation, and hundreds of things that go Bang guys that “go easy” on the soap and deodorant, and look at bricks of Winchester Wildcats priced at $100....😁

There, I fixed it up a little bit, for you! 😆😆😆
(moose23, hope you get another chuckle!)

I loved the gun show thirty years ago, but the vast majority of them around here are a waste of time, these days. (I still need to get to the big Tulsa show, though!)

In reality… ice fishing vs. gun show = “no bad choices!” 👍