You Still Want To Hunt Grizzly With A Muzzleloader?

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As soon as she turned and ran away, I asked Pat Boyer, the show host, why didn't he shoot (other then because I was telling him don't shoot, don't shoot.)  He said "for some reason I knew it was a bluff charge". I don't know what it was but we both felt the same way. We would have been legal to shoot her especially since we had the charge on film but fortunately Pat is a very experienced hunter and he was cool and calm. They said it was the best footage they had ever shot and ended up using it as their trailer at the beginning of the show each week.
You guys obviously assumed correctly.  I'd have had 3 or 4 shots into her before she got that close, and then out run my hunting buddy.  No way I could have not shot.  Cool and calm I would not be.
Old Smoke said:
You guys obviously assumed correctly.  I'd have had 3 or 4 shots into her before she got that close, and then out run my hunting buddy.  No way I could have not shot.  Cool and calm I would not be.
Not having any grizzly experience that would be my reaction as well.  The scariest scenario would be when you are without any weapon. :pale: :pale: :pale: ...

p.s. While there may very well have been an attack, I really find the picture hard to be original or unedited.   Not enough blood on the coat and anyone in that condition should be in shock and not standing.  
AMRE2ME2, I enjoyed the heck out of that story and your follow up.  :hats off:

Fun to consider.

With you talking me down and saying 'Don't shoot' over and over and if we had trust? 
60/40 chance I don't shoot... I think. :shock:

Never been there. Very hard to say. But, my Dad drilled it into me that panic only makes a dangerous 
situation worse. It was one lesson that has served me very well in some tough places. I have grown to 
trust it. So, I would have a chance of holding steady...

But, without you steadying me with the 'Don't shoot' mantra and confidence in your shooting? 
I would have shot. And, possibly flubbed it.

But, one more step... I don't think the Voice of God would have stopped me. Unless it 
stopped the bear!

Either way, I would probably need a change of clothes cause I know you can't run. 
Unless gimpy RonC happens to be in the party and then I can just leave and let the 
bear have him.

As I say, Great fun to think about.
Here's the initial newspaper account:

and a follow-up story:

Two weeks later:


This wasn't the closest call I've had. About 4 years ago, I had a client that I'd previously guided for black bear and Grizzlies. This trip we were down on the Alaskan Peninsula after brown bear. We have a 12x14 cabin on a lake called HooDoo lake near Nelson Lagoon. It's extremely wild and remote country. I spotted what I thought was a bear about 4 miles from camp. I set up the spotting scope and watched what looked like a VW laying out in the open in a snow field. After about 20 minutes he raised his head to look around and layed back down. He looked big so we grabbed our gear and took off. We got within 200 yards and the guy shoots the bear but hits him in the front leg. He takes off headed towards a ravine. Second shot has no effect on the running bear. As he dives over the edge of the ravine, I shoot. But have no idea if I even hit him. We get up to that spot and can't see the bear but suspect he's still in the ravine because we never saw him go up the other side. Bad situation. Wounded bear in thick cover with no room to maneuver. After watching for quite a while and not hearing a thing. I tell my client to stay close behind me in case he's still alive. Guns chambered we drop down into the ravine. I get 20 yards and see what looks like a tuft of hair. As I turn around to tell the client, I see he's ten yards away behind me! At that same instance, that tuft of hair comes alive and he comes roaring up out of his hiding spot, popping his teeth and roaring like I'd never heard before. Without even thinking, I put one round into his chest with my .375 which caused him to crash into the ground. 
When we skinned him out, we found out that my first shot did hit him as he went over the edge of the ravine and had broke his back. Though I'm sure he would have loved to get ahold of me, he just wasn't able to move very fast. 
I got him skinned out and the next day, Ron flew in another guy to help me pack him back to camp. That afternoon, Ron flew the hide back to the lodge about 45 miles away. When he landed, there was a film crew there from the TV show 'Alaska State Troopers'. They weighed my pack with the hide still in it. With the feet and skull still in the hide, it weighed 212 lbs. they layed the hide out and it squared 10'2". 
The footage aired on the show in an episode called 'Armed and Dangerous'. 

You've had some great experiences and good stories to go along with them. Thanks for sharing!
That IS an impressive bear!
He would make an outstanding pro basketball center!
Did anyone estimate the weight of that behemoth?

"Either way, I would probably need a change of clothes cause I know you can't run. 
Unless gimpy RonC happens to be in the party and then I can just leave and let the 
bear have him."
I'll have you know that I can run the 40 yard dash in 4.32    .....  days.
Scary situation. I wouldn't be a guide for dangerous animals. The client does something amateurish or stupid and you pay the price.

Question: I re-read the story and still don't know who wound up with the bear. I imagine the client did but am not sure.