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.............Ready for the road..................

Looking forward to seeing you all there...!


JC..That ALL you're bringing! :roll:

Man you should see my TRUCK! It is a complete JOKE!
big6x6 said:
JC..That ALL you're bringing! :roll:

Man you should see my TRUCK! It is a complete JOKE!


I cant wait to see it chuck!

I didnt have a cover for mine so we rented a trailer to bring all our crap!

This is gonna be a hoot!
Looks like some serious weather going on down in Tennessee right now. 7 killed near Nashville. Let's hope and pray these guys heading down there are okay.
Yep, I just read the same thing. It looks like all the nasty stuff was to the West again, just like last weekend.

If you guys check in, let us know how you're doing!

Batchief909 said:
Looks like some serious weather going on down in Tennessee right now. 7 killed near Nashville. Let's hope and pray these guys heading down there are okay.

Amen Chief. Just saw the weather down there.
Batchief909 said:
Looks like some serious weather going on down in Tennessee right now. 7 killed near Nashville. Let's hope and pray these guys heading down there are okay.

Thanks! We had tornados pass on both sides of us yet we made it throught pretty well! We had some HEAVY rain all night Friday but otherwise it was pretty quiet! Luckily the camp is down in a "holler" as they say!

When we drove back into town, you could see where the tornado passed across 101 I believe it was.. :shock:
Thanks Bat!

We were a bit concerned but it passed our area pretty quietly.

Hog total is 19 I believe..... Things started out rather slowly but picked up in a big way on Sunday!

Lots of stories and pics to follow......
:) JJ, look forward to all those stories!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Glad to see a Hog Count of 19!!!!!! Bout 30 Porkers in lil over 1 week time span is one hell of a lotta pork!!! :lol:
What a great hunt this was. It just seems like every year is getting better. I'm pretty tired, but i'm going to talk a little about Saturday's hunt. Me and Venisoneatr went down along the creek for our early morning hunt. Chuck and Kristel went back to the field. About a 1/2 later i see the two of them coming towards me. Here they couldnt cross the creek because the water was so high.

I was sitting in a pretty good spot so i said just hang out with me until Jim comes back. About 45 minutes later here comes Jim. There was alot of fresh Pig sign so the four of us tried to catch up with the pigs. We started climbing a really big hill with a real pretty water fall. I looked at the top and saw something. :? At first i thought pig, but i'm not sure. Me and Jim went to the top first, then Kristel and Chuck waited half way up in case something ran down the hill.

We got to to the top and saw nothing. So i waved for Kristel and Chuck to come up. So me and Venisoneatr started comparing scopes. His new Zeiss, against my 12 year old Leupold. Both scopes looked pretty good. We all started down a road along the side of the hill side and out went 8 pigs. Well everyone was pretty excited now. They took out all over. We went down about 40yds and two Boars jumped out from beside a Rock. Venisoneatr wanted these one's. :) He pulled up and Boom. He really hurried this off hand shot and just saw the backs of them. He needed to take a few steps forward and he would of had a wide open shot. We walked down and saw no blood. We all started down the hill and for some reason those three ditched me. :( :D They crossed the creek and i didnt. I'm following this creek trying to find away to cross it. I just cant find a good place. Now i'm almost back to the field. Pigs start going all over the place. I counted 11 of them. I just could not get a shot off. They were all headed towards the Suburban.

All of a sudden i here Bang. Now i need to walk across a tree to get across the creek. :shock: I hate doing that. So i did and started back towards everyone. There's Jim happy as could be. He shot a nice pig right in the head. :)

There was atleast 11 pigs running down thru the woods and we decided to go to lunch and get them later. Me and Jim came back from lunch and went on a little hunt of our own. One of the dogs found a boar and we went after it. We went over a couple hill sided and found it. We got with in 20yds of it and couldnt really see it in the bushes. The boar ran down the hill and started up the other side. Jim yells shoot. :D I probably should of. There were some branches in my way and that Hog got to live another day. In the mean time Chuck and Kristel went and hunted another property and Chuck made a 128yd shot on a nice pig. That was pretty much my Saturday hunt.




We went through Nashville about 15-20 minutes after the Tornado Friday night. In fact we saw it move across our path. When we got to Crossville we stopped at Walmart and missed the tornado that hit there by about 5 minutes. We had lovely timing while we were driving there. A few minutes faster and we'd have been in one of them.

Saturday - Angie, Duane (Randy's dad) Pat and myself was one group. We went in by the pond but I forgot my caps at the lodge so Angie and I went back to get them. Pat and Duane went up to a tree stand on the hill. We got my caps and were told by one of the guids to go up the other hill. A wide rushing stream stopped us from doing that so we ended up finding a nice log to sit on. later we started up the hill Pat and Duane were on but stopped before we got close to them. We finaly ran into Pat who was circling around trying to push something to Duane but with no luck. We started back to the gate while Pat went to help Duane. WHen we got back to Camp we found that Craig had shot two pigs, Nugbuk got one and Jim got his first one. I think JCChartboy got one also.

After lunch Pat, Angie and I hooked up with Nugbuk and JCChartboy and decided to go in with the dogs. We were having a hard time hearing the dogs because of the wind. We thought we heard the dogs barking up but it was probably neighbor dogs. Finally we heard them across a rushing stream and we headed that way, Nug and JC headed that way first while we started circling around, but decided to head straight across instead. Down one hill across the water and up a really rocky one and we came to the dogs harrassing the piglets. We broke that up. Nug caught the black one and we all got our pics taken with it.

It was early but we were all fairly tired and called it a day of hunting.

That afternoon Nug set up a couple strings of balloons and we blasted at them.

The range.


Shooting JJ's hand cannon. I also shot Pat's and Nug's.


Shooting Nug's Steyr Scout. This is one sweet rifle! :shock:


Shooting JJ's Thumbhole Savage.

We had a blast at the range Saturday afternoon. One of the guides (Daniel I think) commented that "these fellers love to shoot".

Sunday - We went in with the dogs again. Same group as Saturday afternoon (in the Isuzu andyway) minus Angie who stayed at the lodge. We were standing around trying to hear the dogs bayed up when Mike decided to check on Chuck's group. Pat and I went with him in the mule. When we got closer we heard the dogs and after exiting the mule we got ready. We wlaked past the open field with the blind and into the woods. The dogs had a group of hogs stopped. I almost blew a hole in three hogs but waited till I got a clean shot at the first hog that broke away. It ran 30 yards and went down. Pat went to take a shot at the big one and noticed that it had been shot previously. Kristel finished her hog and Pat went with Mike to get his. At some point we saw Grouse shoot his pig. We saw the smoke and someone asked who was shooting triple seven.

Terrel, Pat, Kristel, Grouse and I had our hogs.


I only have a pic of Kristel's hog. Someone (Grouse I think) has all of them.
Here's my hog story! :D

Day 1 Saturday, Grouse, VENISONEATER(AND everything ELSE might I add!), Kristel and myself went to the bottom. The idea was that Kristel and I would mosey over to the field and hunt from the blind a while and then go from there. Well we all know it rained cats and dogs ALL night the previous night and there just wasn't any way to even GET to that field! WAY too much water! We then walked back and met up with VENISONBEATER and Grouse and away we went! Basically we walked our a$$ off! Of course EVERYTHING is UPhill at Loshbaugh! We walked and walked and didn't see anything for a while although we did see some sign. Finally we jumped up a group of about 8-10 hogs and VENISONEASTER took a crack at one but missed. At any rate we finally made our way back to Grouses Suburban :lol: and Harry and Matthew met us there too. Not many hogs seen at all. So as hunters do we started talking. In a moment Harry says "pigs, PIGS" and there comes a good group of 'em right out of the Bob Bowers playbook! This time VENISONTWEETER showed out and put a Barnes 350gr X thru the pigs ear and that was that!


After Jims shot, the pigs REALLY scattered so we didn't get a chance at any of the others. We then loaded up and went back to the lodge. One of the guides said they knew were a hog was thay could be a pretty easy shot so Kristel and I went to some ajoining property to see if she could bust it. Man we only got a GLIMPSE of that dang hog after walking thru the thickest cutover you've ever seen. Logan was trying to jump up this hog and I looked out across the ravine and saw two hogs inside the main property against the fence. By then Logan was up by us and thought the hogs were pretty good ones and I ranged the hogs with the Geovid, 123yds. Kristel thought it was too far for her since the hogs were moving back up the hill. I thought I'd give it a try. I turned up my VX-III to 6X and when I looked thru the scope all I could see was FENCE! I thought what the crap. So I took my best rest as I could and pulled the trigger and sent the 275gr T-Shock XLR on its way. The hog then veared off from the other hog and went behind a hill. Of course to get to that shot hog was DOWN the hill we were on and UP an even STEEPER hill! We finally got to were I had shot and I spotted blood on BOTH sides of the FENCE!...then there was more blood and MORE blood and then there was the HOG! I have to say that was at least the second most blood I had seen of the hunt. The T-Shock did it's job completely penetrating both lungs of the hog. Not my largest hog ever, actually my SMALLEST hog ever but after a slow morning, it was really good to pull the trigger! :D
