You know you're hungry for the hunt when...

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Well-Known Member
May 19, 2008
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A month before the hunt you are washing your camo and sharpening your knife :lol:

You know your hungry for the hunt when you pack and re-pack your gear, 2 or 3 times, to make sure everything is there :!: :!:

Ray......... ;)
only 2 or 3 times? i always have a knot in my stomach fearful that ive forgotten something LOL

In the old days i'd have 2 huge over stuffed garbage bags. Learned that i just dont need all that silly stuff.
This is the beauty of hunting close to home, and coming home each night. I don't need to pack much more than I scout with.
just ordered some new bugle reeds for my primos terminator bugler. I remember years ago when my dad surprised me with it and said they had it on sale for a good price. Beautiful sounding bugle.

Muley, heres the cow call i was telling you about. You can pull the tone converter off and it gets extremely loud and clear.|/pc/104791680/c/104725980/sc/104212980/Primos174-Hyper-LIP174-Double-with-Tone-Converter8482/740400.uts?destination=%2Fcatalog%2Fbrowse%2Fhunting-hunting-game-calls-big-game-calls%2F_%2FN-1100094%2FNs-CATEGORY_SEQ_104212980%3FWTz_l%3DSBC%25253BMMcat104791680%253Bcat104725980&WTz_l=SBC%253BMMcat104791680%3Bcat104725980%3Bcat104212980
Not to jinx anyone, but I've had more than one hunt where I've forgotten something. I once hiked for an hour up a mountain before daylight on a cold November morning...only to discover I forgot my bow release in the truck. :roll: Had to go back down and get it. 2 hours later I was back where I started on top the mountain. Good thing I did too, because that morning at 9:45 I arrowed my biggest buck to this very day.

All you lucky early season guys need to do is stay healthy for now to enjoy the first hunt of the year.

p.s. Curious like to know if anyone besides me had forgotten to take something important while on a hunt.
Knew a guy once that forgot to take ammo.... He only discovered that the mag was empty when his rifle 'misfired' :lol:

Your hungry for the hunt when you fill your speed loaders now, like me :!: They have been filled and ready to go for the last 2 months.
Forgot my bullet starter once...........Just once........... :!:

Ray.......... ;)
When hunting i take the bare minimum so there's not a lot to forget, but i've forgotten to take a few things when i'm going to the range ;)
One time I went to the range to sight in a GPR. I reached in my pocket for my ear plugs, and remembered I changed my shirt at the last minute, and the ear plugs were in my other shirt. I was all setup with everything unpacked, and I really didn't want to go back home to get the plugs.

I looked at my stuff to see what I could use, and the patches seemed like a likely candidate. I put a couple of patches in my mouth to soften them up, and stuffed them in my ears.

During the process the guy next to me is watching all this. He finally said....Is that the way muzzleloaders do it?

Cracked me up.
It isn't every day you get to see a 110 year-old stuff patches in his ears :shock: :D

I don't think I've ever forgotten something important. One thing I do to prevent that is to 'act out' a hunting scenario. If you go through all the shooting, reloading, and anything else, its hard to forget stuff.

I don't think I've ever forgotten anything when I go to the range. Wait, maybe that's cuz it's 35 yards from the back door ;)
The police use our shooting as well so if i forget ear plugs i'll pick up empty 9mm casings and stuff that into my ears ;)
I bet it works well if you pick up a hot casing and stick it in your ear. Cuz then the ear wax will melt and flow into the spaces around the casing, then when it hardens it forms an airtight seal :p