CVA 'Electra' electronic ignition ML, anyone have/use/see 1?

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From what I understand the firing device stores energy like a flash bulb. I am not sure taking the battery out would bleed the power out.. :think:
Looking at Iowa regs, electronic ignition is not legal for deer hunting muzzleloaders.
Just saw another writup last night in one of my NRA mags... Says you must remove the barrel from the gun to remove the breech plug. :?

Sooo.. after you sight in your gun you must remove the bbl for cleaning then when your hunting trip comes up??? no thanks, sounds like a hassle.

They also showed a pic of the breech plug... looks alot like a spark plug.
Yuck, who wants to remove the barrel everytime you clean your gun. That is a terrible design.
I am curious as to this new product as well. Has anyone within this thread personally owned / used / cleaned one of these? I mean, other than the "friend of a guy who cousin's buddy knew someone who read somewhere that......."
I guess i was just a L cheap oooo years back,but i learn way to many lesson's the hard way on CVA stuff .I have own i guess some where over the years about 9 to 11 CVA's .Inlines and Caplock's, they all shot really really bad.
Now i see CVA coming out with this half breed RAY Gun.CVA ought to just quit trying to make a muzzle loader.
Well, any of you guys thinking about the Eletra get one?

I agree with a lot said in this thread. I would also bet that powder will build up around the electrode which could encase it and prevent firing, especially T7. I'm an electronics tech for a living. I wouldn't risk my valuable hunting time on an electronic gun. All it takes besides the battery is one little component on that board to blow and your hunt is over. It does use a capacitor to build up voltage for the charge. My guess is that will be the first thing to give out on the board.

In Colorado they are legal You must remove the battery completely from the gun for it to be considered unprimed and carry it in a vehicle.
Some of the gunshops here in new jersey have them but they are illegal according to fish and game.
I decided not to get one. The reviews are favorable but removing the barrel to clean is a big warning flag to me... Will the gun return to zero after cleaning??v??? Also, being a CVA, resale is out the window.
I just acnt see spending the money on that gun just to test it..... A knight or thompson product...... Absolutely..... CVA??? Forget it, my pockets arent deep enough to throw that kind of $$$ away.... I'd'rather have a VXIII that i know iKll keep
Maybe I have by a bad one; but it doesn't light T7 pellets. It shoots good only with GOEX BP.

It is not different for cleaning than any other ML, not more accurate and well too pricy.

I have waste money; nothing beat an Omega.